Article Video - Redefining Banks as Prosperity Institutions By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Redefining Banks as Prosperity Institutions - Saturday, July 22, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Today, I am sharing the tips of my icebergs. The past couple months have been devoted to rather exhaustively discussing the problems and trespasses and crimes that have been committed against the living people by corporations --- and setting this before the Vatican Chancery Court under Ecclesiastical Law for correction.

It has been a tiresome and heart-breaking business of day after day and week after week recounting the genesis and history of one major fraud scheme after another, perpetuated by incorporated entities seeking to defraud and dehumanize living people for profit.

These problems rightly reside in the Jurisdiction of the Air from whence they've come and must return.

Now comes the good part, because we have not been wholly concerned with the horrors of the injustices and thefts and denigrations visited upon us, without considering our repairs.

You've all seen the problem(s) and now are owed the solutions.

The first announcement is that our bank is a banking system. It's not just one bank in one state or one country. It well-and-truly is a global bank network of international trade banks all operating on the land jurisdiction, coupled with sister commercial banks, all operating in the air jurisdiction.

This is why we call it a bilateral banking system -- the two sister banks operating together occupy and interface with two separate jurisdictions --- the international land jurisdiction and the global air jurisdiction.

Those people who have been griping and grumbling and saying, "Why is it taking so long?" need to understand that we are not (and never have been) talking about walking down to the corner, buying a building, and opening up a bank in the system you are familiar with.

We have been busily building a totally new and different banking system involving multiple banks worldwide. This has been a groundbreaking effort. Nothing about it has been turn-key. All of it has had to be built from the ground up.

There are, for example, no central banks or equivalents to central banks in this system. Good-bye to that nastiness and the commodity rigging and unfair trade practices that go with it.

Besides being on the land jurisdiction instead of the sea jurisdiction, and not adopting any central bank (commodity rigging) functions, our banks are linked directly and simply to each other.

This is made possible by the common charter and bank treaty they all share and by unique computer-based interfaces that allow direct connectivity between bank portals.

No wire transfers. No games delaying or refusing transfers. No night window fraud schemes. No money laundering. No politics.

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