i've never been able to successfully distract myself from myself

1 year ago

let's drive forward
make a mistake n blame somebody else *american trick
thank you God for putting me in this country
i'm just doing a bit, that is all
goat milk really is the superior milk
cows are good
damn that sound
i even love the fake milk
milk will eventually be made outta rocks
if you wanna see where a country is going just go to the grocery store
this angle is so iconic
so many things should not be in a toaster pastry
you know i am right about this
krispy kreme cheese burger!
i am immune to the sound obviously
standards are not a thing, so true!
so many terrible things people consume on a regular basis
you know we love controversial shit
if it pisses off ben shapiro...
it all depends on the angle w/ which you look at it from
perspective is always key
if you look at the movie clueless from the politically liberal lense it's a genius film
i dunno if amy heckerling had that intention but ag had that intention of making it political
doesn't politics make everything more fun
we've been shooting so many videos as of late that we decided to buy another memory card
we usually don't save the videos but the ones that we do have been taking up a lotta space
i dunno what the technical shit is called
can you believe that ag spilled sumin
i used to hate my name, i have to hear it repeated over n over on stage so i've had to get used to it
many do shout outs to me during their sets
yay nay or gay EXACTLY.
i think we can do it, i hope you have faith in us, too
i don't think it's a good idea to talk for 45 more min
so gross, this powdered protein supplement
anorexia requires shit like this
i am just not motivated to eat is all
so unamerican cos of my lack of interest in food or vain glory
prop myself up for 30sec and then right back down to the gutter we go
is that also narcissistic cos of ego
God does not like haughty ass people
pardon the schizophrenia i'm still pretty well balanced
all these normies making it so much worse on themselves
i almost died multiple x due to my drinking

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