1 year ago

Intro: If you would like to learn how to investigate your inner life, you can to go to my website fill in the email form and book a session with me in similar vein- there is a donation system in place.
1.01 Shout-out. My favourite Clothing brand is illuminate- I just found out today. Gudrun Sjoden
5.00 Our ability to BE WHERE WE NEED AND WANT TO BE- to move freely as HUMAN BEINGS
6.00 The story of Kaysha and her force imminent deportation from the US.
7.0 Allowing the energy to direct me as to what we can do to help Kaysha.
8.00 Everything we do here is to washout the dark structures which have been imposed upon us by those dark systems and introduce and receive and bring through, a New Earth.
8.50 I wish to receive information how we can support these human beings by forces who believe they have the right to move humans agains their will.
9.30 Channeled from my greater self: “The goal of these traffickers os to support their empire. They believe by doing this, they support and strengthen the entity that they admire. The entity that they feel will promote them in life. The entity that they feel they have devoted themselves to and tied themselves to. There is a catch 22 in this: they know, or, they believe that what they are doing is necessary in order that they have a chance. They are running scared. Not many humans are standing up to them because of the system where we are in where we are believing that these things do not happen- or turning a blind eye.
The Sound of Freedom film is the first step of course, but the blind eye is something easy to turn, as most of us are busy with our lives - attempting to survive and thrive and develop and grow. What most of people do not realise, is the thing you mentioned at the beginning, that when you reach the succession this current climate, it is not the success you wish to have generally- there are a few exceptions. And who are those? The ones who managed to strictly align with Spirit, God-Source, with Creator, with the Divine. Those are able to maintain their level of frequency, so that they many co-exist, to build this new structure.
Now, Kaysha is being helped by those people, however, there is this idea of a ‘time limit’ - you could say that she is an example. Her examples shining out to other people, so that they TAKE NOTICE. However, we feel the pain of this young woman who is a beautiful soul. Who are we to limit her movements? There are ways to create something.”
11.38 So now i ask about specific ways we can do something- I know there’s always something which can be done.
11.48” There are networks of information, guarding and protecting these entities. - No longer the spiritual entities, but the human invaded entities what control these ‘strings’ - the purse-strings, the power-strings of these movements of people illegally around the globe: pushing and shunting and wheeling and dealing in human flesh- disgusting. Despicable.
There are ways to interrupt their flow: there are hackers, there is the TLS, - that’s the Jason Shurka- affiliated movement ( The Light System). There are organisations that interfere in a pointed manner. There are ways to do this. We can gather together, with you as a resource. Who are we? We are your greater self, you know that, you always chat to us.”
12.40 “In the count-down process of this date, where this young lady is supposed to be moved out, you can interfere with the Date and the Time and the transference of information. The sway can be done with frequency: there are computer systems which can be interfered with, and, there are time-slippages. - What is that?”
13.11 I explain about Bashar’s explanation of small quantum leaps for alternate timeline to alternate timeline. I then speak about perceive parallel timelines…
14.30 Kari comes into the room and I bring her up to date on the work so far…
15.45 Describing Kaysha’s qualities, with the belief she is operating as an example…
17.00 recap on what COULD be implemented to help her.
18.00 I feel like there is a place we should d”BE” to sit down and pow wow about this. We go into Kari’s ‘secret chamber ( which we uncovered yesterday…). Kari adds Kaysha into the room. I describe her to Kari.
19.30 We ask Prime Creator for all the wisdom and clarity and focus for this beautiful girl and thousands of others like her: they just need it. We are in this place where we start to understand we have the power to implement change, to inspire shifts small or large to open up a better gentler path for people like this. I invite Kari to ask for a request.
20.30 She receives that Kaysha did come to do this ‘job’ and be this example.
21.12 I feel the “gentle” energy. It has been hard for the voice of gentleness, the feminine voice of love and quiet purity. THAT did a bad disservice to wonderful Mary, mother of Jeshua and Magdalena, his wife- and that the only quiet, soft, pure feminine essence we were ‘allowed dot have’ for a long time.
22.33 ( Getting moved) I am seeing these beautiful light rays coming from her: white, gold, pink, gold- she is beautiful! “She is Pleidian” says Kari. Carving through the dregs of this dark network, this bright light and it’s kind of cutting out, through and over and ….it’s massive!
And it’s going to wake up a lot of people.
23.23 Kari is seeing the image and thinking how powerful that gentleness is.
24.00 This glory that she represents could move and be spread and touch and awaken this feminine principle which has been hidden.
24.21 Kari wonders what kind of power we have to do or change anything here….do we start a movement about this feminine energy?
24.42 We saw her beauty, she will slip through their fingers…without being hurt, “they’ cannot get near that…her vibration is so beautiful..
25.00 Kari asks who knows about this?
26.00 Imagine if her presence awakens more of the soft, true feminine, - the pure-heartedness, the quiet voice of love…this cold really be a ripple-moment, just like the Bashar idea.
27.00 Kari seeing it amplifying her so that she is heard more……to millions, so that it grows
28.40 Asking Prime Creator to help us find the next steps ( I can feel the energy growing…..)
29.11 “Ok, let’s just imagine that she’s standing on the ground in the place she wantsa to live in and be, lets put her father who she adores near her or in close contact or proximity to her, and let us put something which is so bright and beautiful of her own glorious energy and maintained, guarded, protected and adored by Prime Creator that nothing can touch her of harm. And let us imagine that the energy of the planet- the eden Earth, the New Earth, , and this beautiful girl and Prime Creator are playing in a “Ballet” of activation, that this energy she’s safe within her soul sphere and this energy is rippling through the earth where she stands and out through the sky, and out through her hands and out through her body. And her body is able to conduct this love because that is who she is: she’s very gentle, she’s very beautiful, like the quiet singing of a nightingale sound. And that will travel for miles, almost, the sweet clarity and purity of that, and hearts will be touched. There are no coincidences without meaning. its pure synchronicity. The movement of, ‘The Sound of Freedom’, and the love of the humans who went to see that, the wish and the earnest desire to shift and change -that these organisations that felt they had impunity to do what they wanted, are rendered power-less as people realise.”
31.38 Kari is connecting to the whole consciousness and shouting her name out, so the people will hear it, and they look it up.
32.21 Would be good ti insert something in to the grid to enable us to question the authorities who believe they have power. I tell the story of a court-awarded set of children from poverty and neglect to two daddies…..and the daughter talking about ‘Daddy watching her with a surveillance camera in the garden from in the house….’
35.00 Many examples of children being captured and taken….
35.40 Send out a thought wave to 5-7 receptive hackers minds who want to expose something….to send out a signal which is powerful enough to stimulate their minds to begin the hacking process. Through synchronicity, come across the video on this. And be inspired to use their talents to mess up the agencies and release data so that the reveal will occur.
37.35 Command for focused point of connecting: people with hacking skills to enable the date to be revealed.
38.25 Kari “That the hackers receive the information on this girl and they decide they are going to hack into the organisations and expose them for what they are doing in trafficking”
using her as the first point of call to get the story exposed…which they get for PatriotStreetFighter….and they are going to get on a mighty trail of discovery and exposing these groups that are doing such things to children. They are looking for something like this so that they have a way to get in and use their skills for good.

The geometric energy shape, like e holding point of the information of the video and we let it float over the connective pathways to the minds of these people so that it falls into their mind like a little golden synapse and shifts them into that inspirational moment to take up this story and to run with it. To look after this girl, and therefore save her and many many others. To expose these systems for that they are, so that people will begin to pull apart the skeletons, the very framework and structure of these organisations and begin to look in the closed files and behind the doors and underneath the files the hidden things coming through and up and out, into the light of the day. And many things are done that are good in these organisations bu horrendous things are also done and these things have to be separated, wheat and chaff and have to be removed. “
44.00 We finish off with connecting this all in to the earth…and how she loves the soft feminine energy and the children’s high pure energy. (Kari talks the Anastasia books :) )
46.00 Kari introduces the ides of working with world prayer like Simon Parkes, and I explain what energy I ‘met’ when I gave talks about children to connecting consciousness.

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