What are the enemy’s tactics?

1 year ago

Daniel Kristos is the host of the Ba'al Busters Broadcast on Rumble, Roku, and JoshWhoTV.com. He focuses on historical patterns of behavior in order to identify who's who in present day, and what their objectives are. Spoiler Alert, it's not to spread sunshine and happiness to all. Through the analysis of history, Daniel finds many of the manifestations of government, industry such as medical and law, organized religions, and corporations to have roots in the ancient Mystery schools and fraternal orders stemming all the way back to Babylonian times. His shows are an exploration of past and present to help connect the dots and make sense of what's going on and where we're headed if we don't all wake up. He also makes efforts to share the research of William Cooper with the present generation. Daniel is a former US Coast Guard Telecommunications Specialist, a small hot sauce business owner, author, former IBEW electrician, and most importantly, a dad to a beautiful and talented little girl.


Links for this episode:

The Spiritual Battle Illustrated https://www.dropbox.com/s/5zmodrq6e00n4c2/The%20Spiritual%20Battle%20Illustrated.pdf?dl=0

Hegelian Dialectic - Satan's tactic exposed https://www.dropbox.com/s/gxj1mtd46s0obx3/5%20-%20Hegelian%20Dialectic%20-%20Satan%27s%20tactic%20exposed.pdf?dl=0

Top 20 Most Ridiculous Infomercial Products https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gTsAipUmGA

Problem Reaction Solution https://www.dropbox.com/s/p51qib3vvw3pnpr/7%20-%20Problem%20Reaction%20Solution.pdf?dl=0

Woman Burned by McDonald's Hot Coffee, Then the News Media | Retro Report | The New York Times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCkL9UlmCOE

PROPAGANDA - They Showed This To High School Kids In 1948! Would They Allow This Today? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AGpILvdwDM

Dr Miller on Fox News https://rumble.com/v2iu8gh-dr-miller-on-fox-news.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Simpsons Clip https://www.dropbox.com/s/vtw6ru3p74l0jvz/9%20-%20simpsons%20clip.mp4?dl=0

Obamacare Section 1553 https://www.dropbox.com/s/v8tf0ph88rvgv4d/Obamacare%20Section%201553-2.pdf?dl=0

Dr. Ed Group and Mike Adams explore effective defenses against spike protein SHEDDING and mRNA assaults https://www.brighteon.com/4c758681-4fc6-4de4-914d-fe607d56c26f

Are We Being Played? https://www.dropbox.com/s/axyzivc86avtcqt/We%27re%20being%20played-1.pdf?dl=0

Worldwide Holocaust https://www.dropbox.com/s/t4scogiva7309uz/17%20-%20Worldwide%20Holocaust.pdf?dl=0


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