Dangerous Impact Protection

1 year ago

Affirmation subliminal scripts created in and around Audible and InAudible multi channel tracks:
Protection against any dangerrous impacts in life and in health
Radionic signature number series 71931

a Karma Neutral Solid yet Unbelievable yet Actuated In Reality Unmeasurable Physical Protection.

Number series 71931 created by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi Ukraine - Russian scientist and clairvoyant, Doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, Doctor of technical sciences information extrasensory diagnostics.

Listen twice or more every day or night for the remainder of your time on earths 3d simulator.

Excellent for the end of days global chaotic madness destruction potentiality.

Brings restoration of natural order of things.

Series numbers become fixed in time space continuum instead of a random generator of events =
Max potential.


paypal https://drvirtual7.gumroad.com/l/kljac


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