OLAPLEX Volumizing Blow Dry Mist | Body, Shine & Healthy Hair in 1 Product?

1 year ago

OLAPLEX has come out with a new product, Volumizing Blow Dry Mist! In this video, I show you how to use Olaplex Blow Dry Mist and review the product. This product is made to give you body, shine and healthy hair without having to use a bunch of products. You apply this when you a will be blow drying your hair and I prefer to use it with a vent brush. This product achieves amazing results which I will show you at the end! Learn about Olaplex Volumizing Blow Dry Mist.
#OLAPLEX #blowdrymist

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💪 Need collagen to help your hair? Order some below! 💪
TAKA Glo Collagen Drink - https://globallee.com/index.cfm?linkid=%24%21LWW%5E%20%20%20%0A

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One Time Purchase (Retail) Natural Lash Kit: https://globallee.com/index.cfm?linkid=%25%23%5CKW%5F%20P%20%0A
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One Time Purchase (Retail) Volume Lash Kit: https://globallee.com/index.cfm?linkid=%25%23%5CKW%5F%20T%20%0A
20% OFF Volume Lash Kit - Preferred Customer (Auto-Shipment): https://globallee.com/index.cfm?linkid=%25%23%5CKW%5EP8%20%0A

Products in This Video – Amazon Affiliate Disclosure: “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.”
OLAPLEX Volumizing Blow Dry Mist – https://amzn.to/3O2yDU4
My Hairdryer - https://amzn.to/3rFVc9r
Vent Brush – https://amzn.to/44JczFd

Equipment I Use for Recording:
Canon EOS M6 Mark II 2 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 is STM Lens - https://amzn.to/3dexFRb
Fovitech Portable 2-Light 600 LED Daylight Panel Kit - https://amzn.to/2A2OoYN
Deco Gear Universal Mini Shotgun Microphone - https://amzn.to/2A7uiN0
Selfie Stick Tripod, 52" Extendable Tripod - https://amzn.to/3egsm3C
Blue Yeti USB Microphone (Only for Voice Overs) - https://amzn.to/3elCLLA

Thank you so much for taking time to watch my video. I hope you learned about Olaplex Volumizing Blow Dry Mist. If you enjoyed, please give it a thumbs up! Also feel free to leave a comment below if you have suggestions on topics for future videos or if you need help with products for your hair type. Don’t forget to subscribe!

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