Emperor Hermit Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Emperor Hermit Energy Vlog Title is form the date July 26, 2023, thus 40~#4 the Emperor card, the divine male, Master builder and the law maker. The Hermit is from the samplitude a power of nine the Hermit going within for the inner wisdom.

The schumann Resonance today Disclosure site showed us an amplitude power of #9 at 2:45 AM UTC thus we have Justice seeking the Wise counsel of the Hermit to adjudicate on Humnet Biden's crimes. The quality power was 6.70 thus we have #13 The Death card indicating transformation or transition. The Frequancey average was 7.86 hertz, thus we have #21 the Universe of world card giving abudance completion the dawning of a new earth for humanity. Therefore, we have all together The Emperor bringing in the wise Hermit to fairly decide on the death of true justice and how it can be revived in the world can be transformed in something we all can live with.

Space Weather news site showed us a Class M CME going away form us. the solar wind density peaked up to ten but was at two protons when we viewed it. the Solar wind speed was at 580 (KPS), rally space truckin. The temperature of the solar wind was low at 8,000 Kelvin. The KP index got up to level five therefore we have a minor geomagnetic storm.

We next went to a Allen UFO share of a Video on the finds of art depicting greys Or ancient astronauts. The Keck telescope showed us there were over 250 billion stars with planets in the goldilocks zone where life can exist due to liquid water being possible the building block of life.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather News site:
Allen UFO video:

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