Conversation With Naz The Muslim About Why Jesus Blood Was Required For Our Sins

1 year ago

00:01:00 Philippians 3:6,7
00:02:20 Deuteronomy 13:12-16 Burn town that goes after another god
00:06:00 Acts 8:1
00:06:35 Naz has been listening too much to random Christian scholars.
00:11:15 James 2:8-11
00:11:55 Hebrews 7:9-12
00:13:30 Numbers 6:9-15
00:17:00 Leviticus 16:15,16
00:18:40 I Corinthians 15:42-45
00:20:40 Because he is unclean.
00:25:20 Naz is reaching a bit here.
00:27:35 Deuteronomy 15:19-21
00:28:45 Isaiah 66:1-3
00:31:05 Isaiah 1:10-18
00:40:00 Leviticus 17:10,11
00:41:15 Leviticus 17:1-5
00:42:00 God is the one who explains to us what is acceptable to Him.
00:44:10 Leviticus 16:15,16
00:45:35 Leviticus 17:10-12
00:46:50 God is being like a good teacher.
00:48:35 This is not the best example I could give.
00:51:30 This parable is relating to why the Pharisees will be loosing their power.
00:53:00 It is not our job to explain why God does things.
00:56:30 Acts 13:47-49
01:01:20 God has already said that Isaiah would not succeed.
01:01:35 Isaiah 49:5,6
01:02:45 Isaiah does not describe a mystery.

In this video I am speaking to Naz the Muslim about why blood is required as an atonement for sins. The reason why Muslims get confused about this subject, is because they are taught to only read the odd verse here and there from the Bible, in order to find things that they can use against the Christians, but this means that they end up not really understanding what they are reading, because there are always other verses that explain what is going on, but the Muslims are obviously not taught to read them.
Naz was essentially trying to use philosophy against God's instructions in the Bible, but God obviously knows a lot more about our existence than we humans do, so there are going to be plenty of things in he Bible that He asks to do, which we will not understand the reasoning behind it, but we will do it because of the faith that we have in Him.

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