Unveiling the Prophetic | Pastor Dave Scarlett

1 year ago

Prepare to be challenged and inspired in a thought-provoking dialogue with the founder of His Glory, Pastor Dave Scarlett. Listen as Pastor Dave tells my audience how he is reaching millions worldwide through an innovative blend of 24-7 TV, documentaries, praise music, news, and tent revivals. Discover the ministry's goal to plant churches in seven African countries and develop communities in all 50 states. Listen closely as Pastor Dave expounds on the importance of repentance and the desperate need for true revival in our modern world.

As we discuss multiple biblical concepts, we also confront some contentious Christian doctrines, such as replacement theology. Ponder the significance of unity within the Christian body and marvel at the implications of God's covenant with Abraham and the nation of Israel. Pastor Dave also shares his views on the timing of the rapture and the growing revival of Jewish people finding faith in Jesus. Our discussion is a combination of faith, prophecy, and current world events.

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