Parshat Matot-Masei: Sexual Immorality a Tactic To Destroy Nations - Steve Van Bruaene

1 year ago

The Moabite and Midianite women, through the counsel of Balaam, seduced many Jewish men to commit adultery which opened the doors to idolatry (adultery & Idolatry are connected) by worship the Baal Peor deity, acting unfaithfully against the LORD, and caused a plague to strike them. (Numbers 22:2-25:9 & 30:2-36:13).

We're seeing this pattern happening to America, and to many other countries. The US was considered the greatest nation, but once sexual immorality became so prevalent through the hippie movement, free love, all the worldly/progressive ideas, it's weakened the people and opened the doors to many more problems, causing our nation to keep declining. It's a pattern that's been happening to many nations, and even a tactic used to destroy nations, societies, communities, etc. We need to learn, and be proactive fighting against this.

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