If you feel Cannabis holds you back | It's something DEEPER #cannabis

1 year ago

If you feel like cannabis holds you back from a life that would make you happier, or from getting a job you want, or you feel it is an unhealthy habit for you to indulge in - it IS something deeper 98.992349% of the time.

There have been many studies showing that whether it is addiction, depression, ADHD, OCD, etc... it all stems from our childhood. Western culture's societal belief often scoffs at this idea. But it is scientifically shown to be true.

Generally speaking, most people grew up hearing that cannabis was a drug, and more commonly a gateway drug. When we were growing up doing it, a part of us was being rebellious by indulging. In adulthood, these deep-seated subconscious beliefs show themselves as "I need to quit smoking weed" or "weed holds me back from a happier life"

In actuality, what anyone in this position would benefit from far more significantly than looking at their indulgence with cannabis, is doing the work related to rewiring their brain/subconscious for a happier life. This work is deeper than it appears in a simple sentence.

A couple simple Google searches will reveal this fact.
"How much of my life does my subconscious control?"
"Is it possible to rewire my subconscious mind for more happiness?"
"What are the ways in which I can rewire my subconscious?"

If you feel you would benefit from having a mindset coach for this journey, you can schedule a discovery call with me and we can dive in together.

#cannabis #weed

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