Joe Biden Hands It All Over To Islam

1 year ago

Just gonna keep blowing this here whistle. #FTP

Assessment SOUTHLAKE:

Police State is a framework deployed by a Russian-Judeo Syndicate. Hence all the continued community outreach. Getting Americans to hustle fellow Americans for Blue Corps also deployed by the aforementioned Syndicate and their deep iron grip on American Economy. This includes kicking off the drug war under false pretenses until Syndicate could control all facets of said narco industry in the background. #TheMoreYouKnowTheMoreYouGrow

March 3rd, 1848: Judeo-Russian syndicate secretly coups and puppets the US Government with an underhand of Sex Occultism/Pornocracy and the sale of "Black Gold" the Earth's lubrication system. Shilling Gold for Lube (Crude Oil (Snake Oil Op?)) and Gold for Snatch (Brothels in Old West/Railroad construction/Gold rush) (Snatch and Grab Op for American Gold) ops. #SexSellsAgenda #TheIllusionOfFreedom

#Pornocracy I've been investigating has the capabilities of giving women #breastcancer via overhead beamed gamma radiation in a needle hone that causes #NanoTumors to develop. targeting component to Targeted Individual Programs (TIP).

How could Russia get Americans to enslave themselves? BDSM Hive Mind. Western civilization Sexually Self Enslaved to a JudeoRussian Syndicate. Police are a form of NonsexualBondage deployed by the Russian BDSM Society on America #OperationIronGrip #ShadowWW3 #NeonWars #UnconventionalWarfare #SexSells

Any competition to the FBI's Blue American Heroin is cut with Fentanyl or Carfentin by the FBI or even deeper the FOP (way for FBI to collect blackmail on FOP(Get the local cops involved))
Russian Conscription for a Pornocractic War run by Mother Superior (Russian Ballerina turned Dominatrix) and Father Inferior (Jewish Oligarch in a Gimp Suit). So fucking gross.

Trump has been an FBI/FOP informant since the 80s
Its a dog and pony show in a room full of smoke and mirrors

"The People" is a masquerade party style anonymous They/Them sex occult built by a BDSM Society in Russia during the end of the 1700s first involving Great Britain and France's high society it spread to the USA by the 3rd to 4th generation of the Founding Fathers bloodlines. A "wait and grease" operation

2 party Communism #MotherlandUSA

US Marines were built to be sheepdogs to Authoritarian Communist Factions going all the way back to the early 1800s. The Marines' flag is Red N Gold. The deeper analysis led me to uncover several Marines collecting intel aboard U.S. Navy ships and then doing intel drops to the Russians in multiple locations globally.

Deeply laid plans by a BDSM Society, Pornocracy, and Interracial Sex Occult. The end goal was to burn it all to the ground and rebuild Khazaria as a Brothel Mega City. Genocide of upwards 95% of humanity. All of it is funded from deep coffers built up by Judeo Prostitution rings globally with HQs in Paris, Milan, Curacao, Chad, Turkmenistan, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Pittsburgh, New York, Canary Islands, Monaco, Kitts, Nevis, Puerto Rico, Madagascar and small remote hubs on yachts across international waters. The Spades are effectively declared an International Terrorist Organization with deep ties to Russia, Chechnya, and the Baltic states. Leading to the decimation of NonJudeo/NonSlavic Bloodlines. A Shadow long Haul Genocide Op before a massive Shock N Awe campaign planned by Pornoracy involving 25 lbs of ricin loaded into Chemtrail planes op names analyzed CHOKE OUT/CHOKESEX.

#AnarchoCommunist #Pornocrats being disgusting.
#MotherlandUSA #BoyzInBlue #GirlzInPink

#BoysInBlue #BigBrother #Overhead #Surveillance #SurveillanceState

#GirlsInPink #LittleSister #Nanotech #surveillancesystems #MotorControl #hivemind #CorporateSlave

Forcing #NonJudeoMales and their #Bloodlines out of #Society.
#BrainInAJar organic components for Quantum computing at a subconscious level. Links to Pain/Pleasure Matrix (Misery Index, Despair Code, Pain Scale). #ShadowWW3

I'm gunna keep working hard and pushing forward,

We almost lost our country.

Gotta have the balls to follow through. #TakeRisks


Future usage for the #ApophisMiningFacility and the #ApophisClassUNSCStarfleet #GottaCatchAnAsteroid #ApophisNewMoon #MoonGod #UNSC #starship #AsteriodMining

Much Love,

#Earth's 1st #Space #Knight
"Steadfast In A World Of Wavering Standards."

United Naval Space Command #UNSC
Website #ComingSoon
"Ad astra per aspera"

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