The David Knight Show 7-26-23 w Guest Host Gard Goldsmith CBDC Mark of the Beast Creeps Closer

1 year ago

Today, David welcomes guest host Gardner Goldsmith, of and Liberty Conspiracy on Rokfin and Rumble. In Hour One, Gard sheds light on numerous breaking stories, including the new -- unconstitutional and immoral -- federal handouts of military hardware, expertise, and money to the NATO appendage of Ukraine. Gard discusses the US involvement in the overthrow of the elected government there in late 2013, and the installation of a US vassal state in early 2014, and how that is tied not only to the current controversy over the Hunter Biden laptop and Biden family ties to Ukranian financial interests, but how the US attempt to isolate Russia began as early as 2009 when the Russian government and other foreign governments dropped many long-term US debt instruments because the US government and Federal Reserve were massively inflating the money supply.

In Hour Two, Gard touches on the towering hypocrisy of Vice-President Kamala Harris when it comes to her criticism of the new Florida school policy regarding the history and fallout of slavery, and he explains why no one can be or should be satisfied with a government-run, tax-funded education system that makes everyone bicker over the content, and how Kamala, herself, might not want to talk about slavery or "reparations" -- as they are pushing in her state of CA -- over slavery.

In Hour Three, Gardner welcomes guest Jack Lawson, whose two-volume book set "The Civil Defense Manual" found at CivilDefenseManualdotCom is essential for those looking to avoid the coming monetary and social unrest in the US and world. As a precursor, Gard discusses the Bank of International Settlements' recently released plan not only for a CBDC, but its idea of PAYING people $2,000 per month to accept a CBDC CHIP in the HAND!

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