Power To Triumph || Nehemiah & The Rest Of The People Publicly Gave All Glory To God || July 26 2023

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Sunny Adeniyi Ministries Presents Power To Triumph - Streamed Live on July 26, 2023

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Word 1
Study Of The Book Of Nehemiah - Rebuilding The Broken Walls & Lives Of The Captivity Returnees By Faith! | Neh. 12:38-43
• Neh. 12:38-39 Nehemiah walks behind the second choir of thanksgiving. He is not at its head. Every thought of self-interest is missing. He does not walk there in the spirit of Nebuchadnezzar with the thought: “Isn’t this the great wall I built?”. He knows that he is just an instrument in the hands of the LORD. This second choir passes a lot of buildings. Except for the Gate of Ephraim and the Gate of the Guard they are all mentioned in Nehemiah 3 (see there for the commentary on these structures). Possibly nothing had to be repaired at the Gate of Ephraim and the Gate of the Guard. While this choir is walking over the wall, these buildings again come to their attention. We will always have to be reminded of certain truths according to God’s will. Peter is committed to reminding believers of what they have learned (2Pe_1:12). Jude does the same (Jud_1:5). And Paul does not mind repeating things he has pointed out before (Php_3:1). There is always the danger of forgetfulness. This forgetfulness can strike in the width of our life of faith. Then we become careless with the things of God. We become more and more absorbed in the things of this life and no longer worry so much about the interests of God. God’s interests get sidelined and we forget what He has done for us and no longer examine His Word. That shall not be your portion IJMN.

Word 2
Study Of The Book Of Nehemiah - Rebuilding The Broken Walls & Lives Of The Captivity Returnees By Faith! | Neh. 12:38-43
• Neh. 12:40-42 The tour over the wall is finished. This gave the choirs a great impression of the size and location of the city, each from a different perspective. Wouldn’t that say something about our view of the church? Who dares to say that he oversees the whole plan of God? Which local church, however endowed with gifts of great insight, can say that it oversees the whole of God’s thoughts? “We know in part” and need one another to come to a full view. “All the saints” are needed to discover “what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God” May you be instructed to never walk alone, cultivate relationships.

Word 3
Study Of The Book Of Nehemiah - Rebuilding The Broken Walls & Lives Of The Captivity Returnees By Faith! | Neh. 12:38-43
• Neh. 12:43 The walking on the wall, taking possession of the city for God with thanksgiving to dedicate it to Him, culminates in great joy. This is the result when His people walk before Him in holiness and truth. In accordance with the “great joy”, “great sacrifices” are offered. Thus God is honored and admired. He receives all thanks and worship for what He has given His people. In this verse we read about “rejoicing” and “joy” no less than four times. This joy comes from God. He is its source. It is a great joy, not only for men, but also for women and children. The added value of this joy is that it is a testimony to the wider environment (cf. Ezr_3:13). All those who did not go along share in the joy. The joy of the Lord is contagious.

Personal Supplication
Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for the Power of purity that called me out of darkness into the glorious light of the gospel. Let this light shine on in me by the power of the Holy Spirit.
1 Pet 2:9
9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

Daily Covenant Favor Declaration
I decree in the name of Jesus, from this moment forward, I see myself the way God sees me. I am highly favoured of the Lord. I am crowned with glory and honour. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I am reigning as a king in life through the one man Jesus Christ


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