Ascension News: 5D Ascension School

1 year ago

Welcome to my channel. My name is Steve Nobel I am here as your ascension guide and facilitator. Before, I dive into what you can hope to find on this channel, just a brief background on me which might help you understand my journey and why I am here doing what I am doing, offering what I am offering, including the new offering of joining a 5D Ascension School.

My new offering is the 5D Ascension School here on YouTube. Just to let you know something about this 5D school, there are two levels of engagement supporter and member. The supporter level is for Starseeds who feel the material on my channel is of benefit and who want to support the work and receive a few benefits such as early viewing of meditations/transmission being released. The member level is for Starseeds who want to dive a bit deeper into the work. This level also offers early viewing of tracks plus a community section where you can post comments and questions. My commitment is to check this daily and answer a few of the questions I feel will be of benefit to the Ascension community. There will be exclusive live calls where I am to offer a live transmission for members every month. Plus, one live class per month for members.

Please note that all live transmissions and classes will be recorded and made available to members to watch at their leisure. To explore whether the membership is for you go to the Join menu button and you will be taken to more information. You can also join using this link:

Whether you join this school or not please know there are extra events including regular webinars and live workshops and retreats. You can find out more about these on my website, (just go to the about section and you will find all links there).

Music by Alice in Winter (SoundStripe) and the track is called 'Morning Sun Instrumental'.
Full script -
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