What graphene oxide and nanotechnology have to do with 5G

1 year ago

Interview with Ricardo Delgado Martin
Kla.TV: Okay, so let's get started. Welcome Ricardo Delgado Martin. A short
Introduction of yourself for the German-speaking audience. Well, Ricardo Delgado Martin is founder and director of "la Quinta Columna" (The Fifth Column). He has a degree in Biostatistics from the University of Seville. He has a Master in Biostatistics, Postgraduate in Health Biology, Clinical Microbiology, Epidemiology and Clinical Immunology, applied at the European University Miguel de Cervantes.
University expert in clinical genetics from the University Antonio de Nebrija.
Certificate of scientific contribution, from the University of Seville and Postgraduate Master in Child Psychology. Master's degree in banking and finance from the Instituto Superior de Técnicas y Prácticas Bancarías (Master in Banking and Finance from the Higher Institute of Banking Techniques and Practices. Master in personal training. In other words, a long and extensive dossier.

Mr. Delgado: Thank you Angel for the invitation and to the Kla.tv channel for the opportunity to present our research there.

Kla.TV: Ricardo, if you had to describe yourself, who would you say Ricardo Delgado Martin is?

Mr. Delgado: Actually, since the human being is probably under a constant evaluation and change, we can say that a person, close to awakening, in a sense, that we have realized, we have ascertained that the world, in which we live is not exactly the one we were told. From a certain moment, I've had to put in quarantine all the great dogmas and official paradigms that come from what we call science.

Kla.TV: Well, what is biostatistics about?

Mr. Delgado: Biostatistics is a specialty of statistics, which in turn is a branch of mathematics, an exact science, and it is more about the subject of epidemiology, applied to the field of health. It is practically the same thing, they are synonyms.

Kla.TV: Nun gut; wie bist Du auf die Idee gekommen, die Plattform „La Quinta Columna“, d.h. „Die fünfte Kla.TV: Okay, how did you come up with the idea of founding the platform "La Quinta Columna"?

Mr. Delgado: It arose from the urgent need to form a human collective, a group of conscious human beings, who absolutely do not share the reality that they want to paint with this so-called 2030 agenda.
Then, from there, little by little, the channel grew exponentially, especially when we decided to analyze the vials, first from Pfizer and then from Astra Zeneca, Moderna and Johnson as well. From then on, we logically started to provide information based on observation and putting in quarantine everything that came from the official version and from the scientific articles of the pharmaceutical companies themselves.

Kla.TV: Okay, so the question is, what is your mission, practically, well, you have answered this. I guess it is to acknowledge all those inconsistencies and those doubts etc. I would imagine.

Mr. Delgado: As of today we can state even more clearly, the mission of the "The Fifth Column". It is to save literally as many human beings as possible. Since, where they want to take us, is the loss of any kind of identity and intrinsic humanity, to transhumanism or the extinction of the human species, as we know it.

Kla.TV: Why do you think there are not more biostatisticians, as is your case, or people in the research world? Science dedicated to these topics, that is to say to analyze and research this topic concerning the vaccine, and the epidemic etc.

Mr. Delgado: There are, the problem is that those who know are silent, and it is this complicit silence that is causing the loss of a great number of lives, and the rest precisely comply and work for the system. Of course with large amounts of money on the table, blood money, to put it precisely.

Kla.TV: Well, if we go back to the beginning of events, that is to say, everything we have lived through of the so-called pandemic. How could it be better explained, or put in such a way through the official media, what has been told to us, or what has NOT been told to us, in this sense.

Mr. Delgado: Well, we have been told that everything is a consequence of a non-existent Coronavirus and therefore we have a pandemic and the reality is evident; that it is a genocide by the introduction of a toxic chemical compound inside the body. First it is the flu campaign and directed to the elderly homes and then to the entire collective of the world's population. Therefore, if we introduce a chemical compound that has a radio modulable capacity and that inside the body acts as a pathogen, we are talking about a premeditated, conscious act and of course of a genocide and not at all of a pandemic. That is why they can know exactly with absolute precision when a wave appears, the second, the third, which they call variants, which is only a justification of the deaths caused and disease with what they call vaccines, which logically is not a vaccine at all.

Kla.TV: Okay. From what moment, or rather, at what moment did you really start to suspect, or as they say, something doesn't add up. At what moment did you have those doubts or did you start to not find logic in everything that we are being told and that we are experiencing.

Mr. Delgado: Well, practically from the beginning. Initially we thought that there could indeed be a type of biological agent that was not what we were told. We started to crunch the numbers, precisely using the figures that epidemiological patterns can give, we made comparisons with the common seasonal flu and we considered the countermeasures that were being taken and that we also had the precedent of the famous influenza A of 2009/2010, all this made us suspect that there was a major operation behind it: the famous 201 event held in New York City on October 18 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, John Hopkins University and the World Economic Forum, and that is very important. All of that was very suspicious, but especially when we analyzed the vaccine, that is, when they started injecting and we saw first the exacerbated magnetic effect, first in the area of the puncture and then it extrapolated to the area of the upper solar plexus and finally the head, that is, the electrically conducting tissue of the body. So, we started to see that there really could be a material or a nanomaterial that was being injected into people, we developed the hypothesis that it was a derivative of graphene based on everything we already knew and the hypotheses or the high indications that there were and finally we proved it with a preliminary analysis and then with a final one that we will expand a little bit more later on.

Kla.TV: So we have heard so far that the SARS Cov2 virus, that is the virus that supposedly causes this disease COVID 19, has never been isolated or sequenced. What does it mean to isolate or sequence in the sense of a virus?

Mr. Delgado: Sequencing and isolation of a viral Corona type biological agent, in this new case, would mean having the exact nucleotide sequence and the combination of all those pairs that did not make it look like it was 29,800, or about 30,000 nucleotide pairs. It's a DNA format, that is, we don't have that. What you have is a virtual construct assembled with a computer algorithm that is also called MUSCLE, that is to say, they are viruses in silicon or chimera viruses, that is what it is called. It only exists in the computer. SARS Cov2 does not exist in nature. From the mucus of 3 pneumonia patients or 3 patients who died of pneumonia in Wuhan precisely, different types of pneumonia, they extracted genetic material and tried to sequence something, but with only an initial seed, from there they extrapolated. They don't need to, they have computer software! But not only of this biological agent, but of all the previous ones as well. So there is no real sequencing knowledge in the nature of SARS Cov2. Nobody has it. Had they had it they would have supposedly made a traditional vaccine attenuating the agent. Nor is there a laboratory that can have a culture of it and there are already about 180 institutions in the world: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health, university institutions of any kind, etc. none of which have sequencing of SARS Cov2. Nevertheless, they tell us about variants and sub-variants.

Kla.TV: Exactly, so at some point in history, as far as we know, is there any sequencing of any virus? Generally speaking, do we know that certain viruses, I don't know, Ebola?...

Mr. Delgado: It is possible that there is one, Angel, it is possible that there is a real sequencing of some biological agent. Because now we also have to ask ourselves whether what we call viruses are the consequence of diseases or the cause of diseases and not the product. It is likely that current virology is literally to be chopped up and thrown in the wastebasket. We have led everyone to believe based on pharmaceutical interests, first the Rockefeller Foundation and now the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is taking over. That what we call viral or viral agents are the cause of the disease, when it is most probably the consequence. And the disease is caused by radiation phenomena, intoxication, etc. as is the case we are going to see now with this thing they call Covid19.

Kla.TV: Then from the start we would have to, as they say, take it with a grain of salt, that perhaps there is a flu virus, smallpox, measles, AIDS, Ebola, etc. that is to say that we do not really know if that in itself has been - as never before - sequenced or isolated, as you say.

Mr. Delgado: And neither is there the myth of contagion as such, nor has it ever been demonstrated that a person supposedly infected with influenza can contract or spread the disease to another person by air, because it has been demonstrated that the information travels, the genetic information, but as a messenger alert, that is, what we call Coronavirus -these types of viral agents, probably are Inter-species alert messages to alert that there is a phenomenon such as radiation that is affecting everyone. Then the virus synthesizes a protein that will protect the individual, but not to kill him, but to protect.

Kla.TV: To prepare the organism, the human body to respond in a certain way or form.

Mr. Delgado: Exactly, but what kills it or what makes it sick is going to be the radiation. It is likely that the common flu is seasonal, it is probably some kind of natural solar radiation, for example: typical of winters.

Kla.TV: We ask the question automatically, in the vaccines that have been administered to us from generations, say. What has been given to the human being really, if all these viral causes really have no justification or do not exist as such?

Mr. Delgado: I will answer you very quickly: mercury in the form of thimerosal, which has increased the proliferation of children with nervous disorders. Aluminum, which is precisely what the body responds to in an allergic way, not to any attenuated virus, which is responsible for an epidemic of autism since precisely when it began being injected. In traditional vaccines, we are talking about, there are solvents, which supposedly dissolve the cell lipid membrane, so that as an adjuvant the vaccine has more emphasis. That is what they tell us. Detergents such as polysorbate 80 and tritoniqui 100; that is what has been introduced in traditional vaccines, but now there is a - what they call messenger RNA technology, there is no messenger RNA at all, the only thing there is is micro technology and graphene. Graphene is another material, which is especially toxic inside the body, added to this whole Machiavellian operation going on for a long time.

Kla.TV: Ok, speaking of this toxic agent, graphene oxide as you are saying. What exactly does graphene oxide cause in the human organism?

Mr. Delgado: Graphene oxide- the first thing we have to understand is that when it's inside the body in contact with living cells it has an exponentially magnetic behavior, that is why from "La Quinta Columna" we sent out a message when we saw many cases around us, the typical phenomenon where spoons and metal objects stuck directly in the area of the puncture and then as I say, in the area of the chest and head, but it was also measurable and still is with electromagnetic measuring devices like this. They gave off strong sources of electromagnetic radiation, so we know that what graphene does is boost the signal of the telephone antennas in Gigahertz and with the transistor effect convert them or transfer them to Terahertz, which is precisely so that a micro technology that is inside the vaccine can function. The graphene in the whole body activates blood coagulation, it is used in format, to reduce platelets, to activate coagulation and therefore has a thrombosinopenic effect. All kinds of diseases appear as a result of thrombi generated by graphene clotting and it does, because it enhances radiation damage. And radiation already generates the coil effect, piling up the red blood cells, the erythrocytes. If graphene enhances it, you're going to have a clotting cumulative effect. As a consequence: strokes, embolisms, all kinds of phenomena of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents, embolisms also where there is a lack of blood supply. But graphene is also mutagenic inside the body, it has the capacity to modulate genes, it generates mutagenesis, chromosomal alteration and cancer. It also generates male and female infertility. In male sperm it affects sperm motility and generates sterility in practically the entire population. Neurodegeneration as well and of course cancer. But also arrhythmias in the heart because it is a super conductive material and it is going to lodge in that line where precisely magnetism is provoked, which is the central nervous system, formed by the spinal cord and the neurons. In the head as I say: neurodegeneration. It has more capabilities including the final purpose that we will see later. And in the heart when it goes into electrical activity due to cardiac activity, graphene is going to be directed there acting as a super conductor, which is what it is. So, everybody already knows about graphene batteries. Graphene is also an energy capacitor: it will store the energy it receives from its environment, especially from telephone antennas. It receives that energy and can discharge it. If it generates discharges in the heart, what it will do is to break the cardiac rhythmic pattern, causing a fainting due to lack of cerebral irrigation and as a consequence of this, collapse, syncope, fainting, arrhythmia with sudden and abrupt death, which is what we are seeing now as well. And I am forgetting the main thing: in the medium term graphene is radiation dependent, that is, it will absorb microwave radiation and will multiply both the frequency and its damage. As soon as it enters the body it starts to release free radicals. At the moment or when the time comes, it will exceed a certain threshold of the immune system and generate what is known as a cytokine storm, the famous cytokine storm. Inside the body, as it is a toxicant, the immune system responds with inflammation to try to prevent the proliferation of the toxicant. So systemic or multi-organ inflammation. The cytokine storm is eliminated by the lung. Thank God the human body has the capacity to eliminate it, but once irradiated in the lungs it generates bilateral pneumonia. So we already have severe Covid 19. The real Covid.

Kla.TV: Since we are talking about an acute radiation syndrome, according to some programs that I have heard you say, there is no legislation at the level of each country, how much can be emitted, or the antennas: how many are allowed to be emitted so that they do not affect human beings, human health. Do you know anything about that? I mean, because of course we were talking years ago about 2G, 3G, 3G+, 4G antennas, but at some point I imagine that this radiation is collected in a way that we can know that it is harmful or not. Up to what limit can we say it is harmful and who can protect us from that radiation? Officially speaking, who would we have to go to?

Mr. Delgado: Well, in theory to radiofrequency committee organizations, in our country for example in Spain or to the Environmental Council. The values that cause damage lately exceed even 500 and a thousand times more than those allowed in our country. The figures change or vary a little from one country to another within the European Union, but even so those that are already given as permissive far exceed those that affect human biology. For example, I have here right now if you are looking at the screen, I do not know if you can see anything... well, the volts per meter or in microwatts per cm² is 13, inside the house it would have to be 0.1, that is to say, we are talking about 130 times more. Now, even though we have put anti-radiation fabric on that window and on the other side of the back, I mean, this is crazy. They have turned the world into an electromagnetic soup. If we also introduce inside the body a material that raises the radiation 3 magnitudes of wave, that converts the Gigahertz of the telephone antennas into Terahertz, which is precisely where the microtechnology that we have also found in the vaccine works, then you have an acute irradiation syndrome. That is why the symptomatology and the clinical picture of the acute irradiation syndrome is exactly the Covid syndrome. And a chronic irradiation syndrome as a consequence of the person or the individual being constantly irradiated is what they have called Long Covid, Long Covid or persistent Covid.

Kla.TV: Speaking of radiation and speaking of viruses, how would you explain the event in 1918 or 19 I think it was, of the famous or the so-called Spanish flu. I mean, what happened there? Because if we look sometimes like that, in the history books we see people with protection, with masks and so on. And what happened, what exactly happened there?

Mr. Delgado: Well, that is when the first radio waves of the electromagnetic spectrum began to be emitted globally and massively to human biology for the first time. There was the first global alteration of the terrain of the human being, in fact, it started precisely in military barracks in the USA, which was the focus of the supposed outbreak of what they called the H1N1 virus of the Spanish flu, or the variant at that time. It all started there, every time there has been a technological quantum leap with a new emission of microwave radiation, in this case already, we have had an epidemic or what they have called a pandemic. The Hong Kong pandemic linked to the 1958 pandemic, which had a new radiofrequency emission as well. The 4G coincided, the 4G+ coincided with the 2018 flu. I remember that in 2018 Covid-19 already appeared, in case you don't know, bilateral pneumonias appeared, inflammations all over the body. Even more than in 2020. In 2018 they already put in the flu vaccine in all probability that radiomodulatable material and the subsequent irradiation with the 4G+. There they saw that it worked, so the next campaign, the 2019 - 2020 campaign, they globally introduced the elderly in nursing homes into the flu vaccine, reduced graphene oxide, which is what Dr. Campra found afterwards.

Kla.TV: So talking again about the Spanish flu issue, that very famous event. It happened and there were no vaccines, there was absolutely nothing in that sense. What happens, that the human being has the capacity to adapt to that? And why all of a sudden, after an outrageous number of people died supposedly due to the famous flu, what happened there, that is, how were human beings able to adapt? Because the antennas were still emitting, I understand. That is to say that our ability to adapt requires some time in most people, but of course, how could this be explained in a better way? That is to say, every time a new radiation comes, a broadening of the spectrum, from that moment onwards is when we have more possibilities of getting sick or not adapting and perhaps only some are capable of facing that new exposure, so to speak.

Mr. Delgado: Simply when there is a new alteration of the environment, some survive, resist and others die, as they do in nature. Except that this does not correspond to nature, it is a new artificial alteration of the environment. There is an... within the concept of epigenetics an adaptation through the rapid modulation of genes, what is done precisely is to go to the place to what we erroneously know as virus or Coronavirus, which is only a readaptation of our DNA by a protein synthesis when it is being subjected or irradiated in this case with a new wavelength that is not of the normal fabric, the natural solar one for example.

Kla.TV: So this new radiation, the 5G, how is it clearly different from the 2G or 3G so far, that is, what are we... what is the magnitude or what are we talking about comparatively?

Mr. Delgado: Well, in everything, there is absolutely no comparison. Since 4G+ and especially 5G, apart from the fact that it is infinitely more artificial ambient electricity, infinitely more millions of antennas placed all over the world, there is a high exponential number of Volts per meter that are going through human biology, the plant kingdom and all living things in general. We are also seeing birds falling when they make frequency changes. Above all, they fall melted, even some telephone antennas burn from the radiation they emit. We are talking about microwaves as well, but with much more strength and also in AX format. That is, it is a beam. The 5G is a scalar and millimeter, it shoots a beam directly to the person who is connecting or has a smartphone. But it wasn't just for the phone, it was also for people based on what we now know.

Kla.TV: But that beam let's say, that you are saying, you are referring to, means that it doesn't always emit. I mean, what I have a hard time understanding is: an antenna normally if it is in operation, it is supposed to be always broadcasting and if it is at the 5G level, well obviously that, would make it to be broadcasting always, but you are telling me that maybe that is not its purpose, not to broadcast always but to broadcast only at a certain time of the day, hour, I don't know. That is what I do not have....

Mr. Delgado: It is emitting, always emitting in a directional gradient vector format, that is, there is a current that is constantly going through you, but if there is a requirement of some type of electronic device that is connected to that frequency, because it is an intelligent object, for example a diaper that is going to... an intelligent diaper is going to tell us when it is wet or not, depending on whether the child has, has done his business or not. In that case the diaper receives a beam to require that information automatically or required by the user and of course that beam is an electromagnetic pulse which is perhaps the most dangerous thing too. Abrupt changes are the most damaging thing. So, a person enters a supermarket with a level of radiation, enters inside it, is protected by the walls. That is why we are seeing many fainting spells and syncopes right at the exit of supermarkets where there is also a lot of radiation.

Kla.TV: So we would be talking about a dose, to put a name on it, that we receive an amount of dose higher than what is healthy, what the human body could adapt to. We could put it this way.

Mr. Delgado: Exactly. Doses measured in millisievert, that is to say, radiation causes damage, either in pulse format or in the medium term, because it absorbs the dose of radiation that accumulates in the tissues. That is what ends up generating cancer, which is proliferating. That is what ends up generating, then, any type of... All radiation damage is precisely what has been described as Covid 19, and its respective variants, because it is an acute radiation syndrome. When we saw the official studies, where they compared the acute radiation syndrome with Covid 19, the problem is that they did not see it as a causal agent, as the real cause, because they are not aware, or they were not aware that this graphene derivative, reduced graphene oxide, is being introduced, which enhances radiation damage. Even the fact that it puts them close to Cherenkov radiation, that is, about a thousand times more, graphene enhances the radiation damage. And everything I am saying are scientific articles that I have collected; even the CORDIS project of the European Union, and we can go on later.

Kla.TV: So, uh, Wuhan, just to go back a little bit, when did this whole macabre story start, so to speak, is that where 5G radiation was practically emitted for the first time?

Mr. Delgado: Exactly in November, late November 2019, in Wuhan, coincided the appearance of the outbreak of what they have called a non-existent corona virus, because of what we have said in the introduction, with just the implementation of 5G technology in a city of 11 million, in time and space, which was Wuhan. You tell me how likely is it that the alleged corona virus outbreak would appear with Wuhan, at the same time and place where this technology was first implemented, prior flu vaccination of all Chinese, eh; it should also be said, because in the flu vaccine there was already this material, graphene oxide, which is also listed in the patents.

Kla.TV: Ok, very interesting what you have just said, or very worrying, how to say it better? Uh, we have learned about the analysis of Dr. Campra, in which graphene oxide was found. How and for what reasons did the research on the ingredients of the different vaccines start, that is, uh, what exactly was the reason?

Mr. Delgado: Well, Dr. Sevillano, who is an important part of the fifth column, and who accompanies us on the live shows every night, said: 'when they start injecting people, we will really realize what is happening'. Up to that point we knew, until then, that people were falling near telephone antennas; in fact, old people's homes, 8 out of 10 antennas were placed in old people's homes, now we understand why. We went so far as to estimate the mortality of nursing homes.
Another cofactor was the flu vaccine. There were certain reports, such as the report from Barbastro, an area here in Teruel in Spain, and we had recorded that, uh, those who were not vaccinated against the flu, practically all of them survived. And those who were vaccinated against influenza, there was a very high mortality linked to Covid 19; and morbidity from the disease as well. There were homes where 80 elderly people died in 4 hours. No biological agent can do that, not even Ebola. But radiation...

Kla.TV: Simultaneousness, let's say. It is called simultaneousness, I don't know... Just at the same moment, it is difficult to think that this is an infectious agent, which some people explain as the official version, that could cause such a thing in such a group.

Mr. Delgado: It's not how we see it, along with the doctors and health workers who saw the situation; many of them already agree with the thesis of the fifth column. I say precisely, with the thesis, not hypothesis. But when they began the injections and the magnetic phenomenon worsened, we realized that this material was magnetic, that it was a conductor, a superconductor and that it was an energetic condenser. In addition, it gave off differences in potential, an important voltage in the head of the inoculated people, specifically with my parents I was able to do the experiment and with a multimeter, alternating currents up to 0.3 and 0.4 Volts arrived. It was crazy. They could even light up a small LED. Then we looked for which materials: there was also one that was a candidate, it was a marvel, it was the wonder material, it was graphene, it was fashionable, it was magnetic inside the body, it was a superconductor, it was an energy capacitor: it was used for future batteries and it also had biomedical applications in the field of neuroscience which is the purpose of that famous transhumanism that came after. We got a vial from Pfizer, through the mediation of Rafa Navarro, a policeman from Alicante, we were at an intermediate point, the transibility of course, we made an appeal to some universities and Dr. Campra, Professor at the University of Almeria, Dr. Campra in Madrid not only in chemical sciences and a graduate in biological sciences, was in charge of the research. We told him: look for as a hypothesis - suspicion, some derivative of graphene in the sample and indeed a week later, even though he initially doubted that there could be that material, he told us: Congratulations! It is probable. Very likely, there is serious evidence of some graphene derivative in the sample from the preliminary report which consisted of a microscopic jostic analysis, TEM electron microscopy analysis, S-TEM, and ultraviolet light sequence compatibility. But it was not until 4 months later, when not only one vial of Pfizer but also 7 vials, now of 4 different brands: Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Moderna and Janssen, which are the most commercial in our country, were subjected to a Micro Raman technique that already gave the characteristic peaks of all materials from the physical point of view. And reduced graphene oxide appeared unequivocally and conclusively.

Kla.TV: In all samples of different brands?

Mr. Delgado: In all of them. In all of them. This material is quite abundant in the body, but what is more, here comes the worrying part. Graphene explained what they have called the Covid syndrome and all the immediate and sudden deaths that we are seeing, apart from all the cases of cancer nowadays. But graphene linked to the field of neuroscience is used, we have said, to convert the Gigahertz signal into Terahertz. The side effect: Covid syndrome, okay. But those Tera-Hertz are used for micro- and nanotechnology so that they can work, that is, at the nanometer and micrometer scale, at that very small scale, those devices in the field of nano-communications and intra-body networks can only work in the Terahertz band. That's why they introduced graphene oxide throughout the body.

Kla.TV: The battery, the energy needed to run that nanotechnology.

Mr. Delgado: Indeed, although that energy has generated the death of millions of people and an epidemic that they have called or passed off as a coronavirus, which is just a smokescreen to continue deceiving people.

Kla.TV: This brings up a question Ricardo, excuse me. People who have not been inoculated, we are not going to call it a vaccine, obviously. They have not been inoculated or injected or graphenated, but they have contracted Covid anyway, how do you explain that?

Mr. Delgado: Well, here we have to make an aside. When we talk about Covid, we are talking about inflammations all over the body. The real Covid is: inflammations all over the body, dyspnea: difficulty breathing, because you have saturation levels well below normal, bilateral pneumonia and cytokine storm. Pretty much. Everything else, there's evidence, but everything else is not a positive PCR test, another tool that's been used to continue this massive deception by making it look like everything is positive.

Kla.TV: Yes, it seems that everything gave a positive result for Covid, including the flu- it seems that we didn't hear of cases of people who only had the flu.

Mr. Delgado: It had been a long time since we could not believe anything that came from the media, neither the figures nor the statistics, probably all manipulated. 47,000 euros were paid here per admission, and per Covid death in the hospitals. Therefore, attempts have been made, to patients with pneumonia, up to 15 and 16 PCR, to try to make them positive. Finally, what they opted for is to do it to tap water, they get their precious positive result, very easily. Also the antigen test. The antigen test, uh, triggers immunoglobulin; we could say it might be closer to reality, but the fact is that graphene triggers immunoglobulins inside the body. What they're doing is, if you introduce hemlock, or you introduce any toxicant, the neutralizing antibodies are going to act as if it's a biological pathogen, but it's a toxic chemical compound. So, it triggers the immunoglobulins, you have neutralizing antibodies, and they tell you: the vaccine works. Of course, when the body manages to eliminate that, after certain months, they tell you: you no longer have antibodies, you have to get the second dose, or the third, or the fourth, etc.

Kla.TV: That is to say that the graphene degrades in some way, and then, what they return to the load, so that this energy can continue to accumulate in the organism.

Mr. Delgado: Indeed. In fact, the only way to get out of the doses is to end up in the ICU of the hospital, or in the cemetery, which is unfortunately what we are seeing with countless relatives, very close ones, moreover, who have not wanted to believe, they say, but it is not a matter of believing. We have already demonstrated and evidenced everything that is inside the vaccines. And another thing, graphene has not only been injected, remember that all the elements of the supposed protection or prevention of the disease had graphene. The masks had graphene in them, and they were recalled. The FPP2 still has it. And the others are also having it put on them, because they say they are tuning them so that they will not contaminate once they are discarded.
The alcoholic hydrogels, with which children used to compulsively wash their hands, also have graphene oxide dispersions. PCR tests are manufactured by Nanographic, which is a company that markets and produces graphene. The antigen tests as well. In other words, this has been introduced everywhere, and also by inhalation. There are people who presented the magnetic phenomenon in the chest, because they had not been vaccinated, and we have no doubt that they have also been fumigated. There are patents for dispersion of graphene oxide in biocides, eh, fungicides, in phytosanitary products, pesticides, and to improve the combustion of liquid kerosene burned in airplanes. So, they have probably fumigated it.....

Kla.TV: I mean, through those trails that we see sometimes in the skies, uh, that we don't know, we think it's evaporation, etc. But really, of course, when they persist, it seems to be for a longer period of time, and from that point on we have to be suspicious, obviously.

Mr. Delgado: Of course. In fact, they are not normal aviation water vapor condensation trails, which disappear immediately. They last until the next day, and all that material, plus heavy metals, also generate pneumonitis and fall to the ground and become part of the lungs of the patients on duty.

Kla.TV: Well, Ricardo, what about the other vaccines on the schedule, can we trust them?
In general? Or?

Mr. Delgado: No. Since 2018, with the introduction of that technology, what we have discovered is that it doesn't only affect the Covid vaccine, we have already reviewed the flu vaccine as well. Yesterday they sent us a sanitary with more images, and those graphene-like objects, not characterized in this case, yes in the Covid vaccines, but we have the characterization of the Covid ones, and once we know the image, the relief that graphene forms, how it folds on itself, it is very likely to be in the regular schedule of vaccines, because, in addition, the magnetic phenomenon is observed after the puncture, in the children's vaccine as well. The pneumococcal vaccine, Pneumovax, I think it is called, Prevenar 13, Vaxigrip, which is an anti-flu vaccine, all these vaccines also have graphene. It is probably a nanotechnology applied to vials. So, from 2018 to here, the advice, or the fifth column recommendation, is that nobody inject absolutely nothing.

Kla.TV: Okay. Those people who have complied, well, with the first two vaccines, and then the boosters; and they are still with doubts, I don't know if they have taken the three vaccines, or if they are going to continue to get the jab, what would you say to those people?

Mr. Delgado: Well, they have been very lucky. Because, just last week, I was talking to someone who told me that he had two doses, one from Pfizer and one from Moderna, and that he was alive. Just the day before yesterday, we came from the funeral of this person. Sudden, immediate death, 36 years old. Another one, another case, 34 years old, a boy, fulminant cancer. Let's remember that graphene enhances radiation damage, and one of the effects of radiation is cancer. They come in on fire. Hey, it can happen that a person has three doses, and absolutely nothing happens to him because he lives in an environment where he has no accumulated radiation; therefore, he is not going to absorb that radiation. It is the perfect weapon to kill. However, a person with a single dose, and who is receiving the impact of radiation because he has a telephone antenna, and the time, let us say, of exposure is very high, will very probably develop either sudden death as a consequence of the discharge of graphene to the heart, or pericarditis myocarditis, when it inflames this tissue, or sudden death, also, due to the same consequence. Or the famous Covid lung, uh, in the medium term; above all, when it begins to eliminate it through the lung. After a month and a half, this material begins to be eliminated through the lungs, certain enzymes come into play, such as myeloperoxidase, which try to degrade it, but, since it has been irradiated while it is in the lungs, it generates pulmonary inflammations that have been called 'bilateral pneumonia'.

Kla.TV: That is to say that these people, uh, well, with the second and third, well, what they are really doing is accumulating radiation, and there comes a time when, if they are in a very acute, very strong, very intense focus, let's say, of that irradiation they receive, that is when, I imagine, the problems start. They may not be able to react in time because it seems that this causes arrhythmias?

Mr. Delgado: Fulminant, it is a fulminant, yes. Doing sports it is a fulminant because, when you do sports, the heart is the one that comes into play, and the cardiac electrical impulses are much higher, then, as graphene is super conductive, it is going to be directed there. And once there, when you finish the activity, it will generate a lethal arrhythmic shock; even with the defibrillator, they are not even getting people to move forward. Young people in their 20s, teens, 30s, athletes, in addition. It also absorbs, excuse me, absorbs all types of radiation: ultrasound, infrasound, etc., as well. So, this is Russian roulette. There's nothing inside the vaccine that leads to developing any kind of immunity, quite the contrary; it's just a toxic chemical compound and micro-technology, to mark people, in addition.

Kla.TV: Okay, and from there, from those people, as I told you, the two or third dose, that they call the booster, then the one that has maybe a pathology that they call Long Covid, it seems to mean 'persistent Covid', right? or something like that.

Mr. Delgado: But that's it, from the biological point of view, we did not know of a biological agent that was persistent. I mean, the common flu that will be any other type of coronavirus, as they say, although the graphene oxide generates the corona effect, they probably got the name from there, they said, 'let's say it's a coronavirus'. Uh, any other coronavirus, it either terminates the life of the host, or the host develops immunity to it, period. It doesn't have lifelong sequelae. What does have lifelong sequelae is radiation, and it's a syndrome, it becomes a chronic irradiation syndrome, which has been in the medical-scientific literature for over 70 years. This is not new.

Kla.TV: Okay. So, for example, within the same family there may be members, maybe, who have developed that, that Long Covid, or that, that even the, the Covid, let's say, to call it in some general way, and others maybe who haven't found out, I guess, I don't know. that is a matter of each one as to where it happens, and...

Mr. Delgado: Sure. It depends on the radiation that you absorb, and then it also depends on intrinsic variables of the individual himself, such as glutathione levels. Glutathione is an antioxidant that works precisely against graphene oxide, because it generates free radicals. So, if it generates free radicals, what it will do is oxidize all kinds of molecules, causing their death. And, on the other hand, endogenous glutathione, that's why NAC works against Covid, because it's a precursor of glutathione, or vitamin D, that's why Covid patients have low levels of vitamin D, because they exhaust their resources trying to degrade the action of graphene oxide. That's why people who are vaccinated, or those who actually have Covid, are so tired, because the body, the immune system, is constantly working, trying to degrade the action of the toxicant. So, glutathione in young individuals, much glutathione, not so much aging, more difficulty to actually have Covid 19. From the age of 65 onwards the glutathione levels plummet, that's why it affected, I mean, because now it affects young people as well, from the moment young people are being vaccinated.

Kla.TV: How do you explain... uh, at the beginning of the pandemic, I remember that even autopsies were forbidden in hospitals, how do you explain the fact that it was even accepted in hospitals, that autopsies were not performed, that they had to be cremated directly? I have heard, I don't know if it is true. Since some doctors, I think Italian, I don't know if they were from the northern part of Italy, from Milan, exactly contradicted that rule, what did they discover? And, well, maybe you can explain it to me better.

Mr. Delgado: Yes, Pascual Baco was the doctor, or the medical team, who skipped the genocidal guidelines and protocols of the then World Health Organization, and did autopsies, it is incomprehensible. The only explanation is to hide the murder weapon. Today, if an autopsy is performed on a real Covid patient, the result of acute radiation syndrome, they will find, and in fact they have already done so, graphene oxide. We have also found graphene oxide in the blood of those injected. Teams in Germany have confirmed it, likewise, we have seen those images of graphene oxide micro-sheets all over the body, after the puncture. Then, we had the opportunity to talk several times with Pascual Vasco, that doctor, when they skipped the autopsies, they discovered that what they called Covid was a thrombotic phenomenon, it coagulated the blood, but graphene does that! Graphene activates blood coagulation. In fact, it is, or is intended to be used as an antiplatelet treatment, right? It also causes platelet reduction, that is, everything that they said the vaccine did initially, of course, because it has it in it.

Kla.TV: They were not interested, I guess, in finding out, uh, let's say, what they were doing, or that they are applying a protocol, I imagine, uh, very wrong, because it seems to be....

Mr. Delgado: In fact, in fact, we were told not to use ibuprofen, which is an anti-inflammatory, when what ibuprofen does precisely is to prevent the inflammation caused by Covid, as the first prodrome of the disease. Moreover, paracetamol is still administered, and paracetamol is the opposite, it is contraindicated because it is the antidote to N-acetylcysteine, which would work.

Kla.TV: So, one is an oxidant and the other is an antioxidant.

Mr. Delgado: Exactly. Exactly...

Kla.TV: Okay. Uh, besides graphene oxide, what else has been found in the composition or the ingredients of the alleged vaccine?

Mr. Delgado: Well, well, Dr. Campra started identifying artificial patterns. Subsequently, he brought out another report himself. Uh, the fifth column, dated January 14 of the current year 2022, brought out another report with very, very, very clear samples of what, uh, of micro-circuitry; we even identified those patterns by comparing with the scientific literature, with micro-rectennas, which are diode rectifier bridges, which pass direct alternating current, we remember that with a multimeter the head of the inoculates, we could measure alternating currents of up to 0.3 and 0.4 volts. But for this micro-technology to work, it is done in direct current; so we discovered these current rectifiers, we found these micro-rectennas formats, also micro antennas, also Codex communication encryption, logic carriers, micro routers that emit MAC (media access control) addresses, that is, this can be checked right now by anyone. Any vaccinated person can download the bluetooth scanner application, for example, and activate the GPS, and then the bluetooth, and they will check that all the vaccinated people in their environment emit a MAC address, which does not correspond to any manufacturer of any device they have at home. So, we are talking about, well, all the individuals have been tagged. We know that what is being emitted, or what they are emitting, is biomedical data at least: heart rate and blood sugar glycemic index, at least. But they can also emit signals to you, remember that everyone who has a router....

Kla.TV: So, that goes both ways.

Mr. Delgado: In two directions. Mr. Delgado: Exactly.
In case you want to see my neighbors, that always, or when the vaccinated neighbor arrives, it will always show up on my phone. So I know when she is here and when she is not-the neighbor.

Kla.TV: Can there be a non-vaccinated person, or at least... ok.

Mr. Delgado: Here is my TV on one side, and all the numbers that appear are MAC addresses, MAC codes of vaccinated people. We can even click inside one of them, and know the approximate distance from it.

Kla.TV: So those addresses are supposed to be in your environment right now or in your neighborhood? And maybe you would have confidence to ask them if they had been vaccinated.

Mr. Delgado: Yes indeed. They are dynamic addresses. They change every 50 to 52 seconds. Let's remember that in each dose we find dozens of this microcircuitry in a single droplet and with a magnification quality of 100 to 120 magnifications it looks quite good. In other words, they have marked all the individuals. But they have also marked intracorporally and then intraneuronally. And this is the most dangerous thing. There are many scientific articles. They are all collected in the research of The Fifth Column. Graphene oxide crosses the blood-brain barrier, which is a barrier that separates the brain from the outside and protects from pathogens and chemicals. Now we understand why the PCR tests all go through the nose, why the reduced graphene oxide patches for diabetics who want to take away the needle prick and replace it with it. Everything goes through the head. The goal of this whole operation is behavioral control in the field of neuroscience of the entire world population. Graphene oxide, when it is less than 45 nanometers long, will cross the blood-brain barrier and settle in the neurons, which is very good for them and has a lot of affinity because it has electrical impulses and is a superconductor. This graphene oxide replaces the natural neuronal network with an artificial neuronal network. So the person is digitally parasitized. It can be connected to a cloud or to the Meta as Mark Zuckerberg calls it, and be controlled through an artificial intelligence. This graphene oxide we have said is magnetic. A magnetic support. So therefore it has memory capacity - flash! Memories can be erased, neural activity is recorded in electrical impulses, and monitored on a screen from the point of view that we can even know what the individual is thinking. You can erase memories and insert emotions and insert feelings, insert thoughts, breaking the neuronal synapse which is what graphene oxide does. And all this remotely and wirelessly. Using of course 5G technology. Now we understand why President Sebastián Piñeira of Chile, when announcing the 5G, spoke of inserting emotions and inserting thoughts at the same time that he proposed the law of neuro-rights prior to constitutional reform in Chile. This is being done in all countries by the way. If people are not aware of what is happening, I say it again: the human species as we know it is lost and will become extinct to become an automaton directed through an artificial intelligence at the whim of 4 or 5 of the Davos Forum. Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab etc.

Kla.TV: That is to say that it can influence our decisions at a given moment our thoughts in such a way as they want and incline us in one direction or another depending on the topic they are interested in, I imagine.

Mr. Delgado: Would this surprise anyone if they are really trying to condition us through the media, buy such and such, vote for such and such president, etc. If they could do it with technology and does it need to be injected? This is what is being done right now while people are not aware. It is being done treacherously. And yes, as far as I know, you can make the individual or the group of individuals or the population in general more docile, more malleable. It can be made more depressive, it can be made more ductile, more malleable, as I say, it can be made more aggressive. That is done by breaking the neural synapses and exciting certain areas of the brain that they know very well. Recall that the Graphene Flagship, a European organization since 2013 has spent Two Billion Euros on Graphene and another 1000 Million Euros on brain knowledge. There are all the universities there, including many from Spain. Spain is one of the countries that participates the most and also with the contribution of the neuroscientist "Rafael Yuste", who met with Obama in 2015 and gave the key to the brain of practically all humanity to the psychopathic elite of Agenda 2030.

Kla.TV: Is there also a possibility that the Nanotechnology that you are talking about and the graphene can be supplied to us through other ways than by injection? Above all, Nanotechnology because although graphene may degrade at a given moment depending, as you say, on the glutathione level of each individual, but perhaps there is that part that I know does not degrade within the human organism.

Mr. Delgado: The new tablets will most likely have a magnetic support as well and will carry Graphene Oxide Nanotechnology, some new tablets as a new treatment that they were already announcing in 2018 and that will also carry micro-circuitry probably. The needles that have been eliminated from diabetics who have seen the sky open have been replaced by a patch of reduced graphene oxide on the inside of the cheek. That is, the closest thing to the brain. Most of the population is not aware of this madness. So we have to wake everybody up and make them see what it is. And now we are finding that those who have been pricked will probably not do it anymore because they have seen what has happened around them and the symptomatology they have acquired if they are alive to tell the tale. But the pride, let's say human, the fact of not recognizing and not being honest, which mixed with the virtue of intelligence is already a lot to ask for a human being today, is making these people shut up and not be able to alert their environment. It is very sad, very sad what we are seeing.

Kla.TV: You told me about the president of Chile, I don't remember the name you told me.

Mr. Delgado: Sebastian Piñeira.

Kla.TV: Sebastian Piñeira, yes, exactly. They say that they have passed a law on neuro-rights and protection of mutants. I don't know if I have read it right? Or, what exactly is that about?

Mr. Delgado: Well, anyone who is aware, if this information were given on TV, which is public information, people would probably start to link everything that we have done here. Although we have done it directly with vaccine analysis. But and we speak therefore with the evidence and I repeat again that everything we are saying here is all demonstrated and evidenced. Anyone who wants the evidence can go to La Quinta Columna.net. or listen to us every night on the Telegram channel. Can anyone wonder if our thoughts and feelings are in danger? Well, yes! Neuroscience has advanced along with nanotechnology considerably behind the backs of civil society. It is now possible to monitor what a person is thinking based on the signals he or she emits. All graphene is doing is boosting those signals and micro-circuitry is picking up that signal and monitoring it. But not only that! This is bidirectional. On the one hand, we can receive the signals from the vaccinated individuals, as shown here, but we can also emit signals to it. Those signal emissions when they are in the head, when graphene oxide is installed in the neurons can behaviorally alter the neuronal synapses so that we make the individual a checkable automaton, we can checkmate the brain of a person, or the group or an entire community. At the will of an artificial intelligence that logically programs someone. All that can be done! And they have used the ignorance and lack of knowledge of 99% of the population, including the medical community, to introduce Nanotechnology plus graphene, although the collateral effect of introducing graphene is to enhance the damage of the radiation that they have passed off as a coronavirus. They have called it the Covid 19. This is the most important thing that can be said at this time. There is no more important information than what we are giving here. Because on this information depends the future of the entire human species in all of human history. Right now we are and it is a nightmare and everyone who is aware and look into the microscope and check it out for himself. Probably in a few days we are going to have a meeting with more than 100 doctors who are going to look at the microscope. Can we say, will it do any good? Well probably to save at least those families, that group of families. And make them really aware of what's going on. But this is insane. So abhorrent and humiliating and humiliating and humiliating to the human being that you just can't get your head around it.
Kla.TV: If those vaccinated were to have a blood test, what would they find?

Mr. Delgado: Well, if they take a blood test, for example of a D-dimer, they will see an involvement of the fibrin protein as a consequence of the fact that coagulation is triggered. Very high, which is very worrying. And it can be done by anybody. A test that costs sixteen Euros in the pharmacies. But if you do an optical microscopic analysis, you will find that material, graphene oxide, or graphene micro-oxide, in the blood.
Therefore, the red blood cells, which is what can be seen well under the optical microscope, the erythrocytes, we will see them practically deformed, destroyed, amorphous and also piled up.
Let's remember that graphene enhances radiation. And one of the effects of radiation is to generate the rulot effect, which is the stacking and coagulation of blood by the stacking of red blood cells. So we are going to see thrombi. That generates thrombi. And if you have thrombi you have all kinds of cardio-cerebrovascular accidents. You have cerebral and pulmonary embolisms, you have hemorrhages as a consequence of clogging an artery somewhere and the pressure jumps somewhere else, you have strokes, you have heart attacks, you have ischemia, all kinds of lack of blood irrigation. Which in fact is what we are seeing.

Kla.TV: To all those who do not believe that they have been inoculated with graphene and nanotechnology, what would you say?

Mr. Delgado: Well, I understand first of all that there is a principle that we study in psychology as well, which is the principle of denial. Above all, that every person is literally afraid, as an instinctive part of survival of the human being to recognize that they have made a mistake. And not only that, it is a kind of protection, knowing that they probably sent their parents to their death, and also that they intended to do it with their children if they have not already done it or bring them at least a lot of problems based on everything we know. All this type of information, to demolish them all at once, is to demolish all the foundations of the base that they have been generating and creating throughout their thirty, forty or fifty years. Why? Because they believed in the institutions, everyone, including me, believed in the institutions before. We had no reason to think that this was really being done. But doubt and suspicion made us analyze firsthand and realize that there has been a change, since what they call Agenda 2030. And when they say sustainable development of society they mean sustaining it by literally eliminating people. And then behaviorally controlling the remnant. The fourth industrial revolution. I would tell them to look under the microscope. And if not from here, then we can offer from the fifth column to come on over if you want and look at one, two, three, ten vaccines. As many as you want. All the ones we have looked at, and have recreated in New Zealand, in Germany, in the United Kingdom, in Argentina and in Chile, all have the same composition!

Kla.TV: Of course what I find hard to believe that so many doctors who have to supply vaccines knowing also that it is an experimental vaccine as a doctor doing an experiment there should be some doubt in that sense. That, if I supply this vaccine to this person maybe it doesn't work or maybe it has some side effect at the very least. And what is not understood is that there are not more protests, more refusals to provide something that is experimental from the outset. That is to say, without going into the issue of what is inside or what is not inside. That is to say, a physician has the Hippocratic oath. How could that not have been considered from the beginning? We are talking about an experiment, after all.

Mr. Delgado: Well, they do not recommend it today. It is no longer recommended by so many people because they are aware of it. In our country, the first 4 doctors who recommended it have died. They are no longer around. Here we are burying one or two physicians every other day. Young people included, nurses, doctors, surgery section chiefs, etc. I remember some of the names of those who have passed away. Well it's all the same. The doctors have also been paid. The doctors are listed in Pfizer's transparency policies, and Moderna that they have received a large amount of money through the organization they belong to, be it the Andalusian health service or the public health service or individually. They have literally received money for recommending this! I think it is experimental for them in terms of seeing how much the human biology holds up. I am going to make it clear, look at the degree of humiliation to which they have humiliated the human being and the enormous deception to which they have subjected the entire population. They have called a vaccine the very thing that potentially causes the disease to develop. That is why you will understand that it is precisely the vaccinated who occupy 90% of the ICUs and the 10% are in the cemeteries.
They said that, as we have vaccinated so many people, it is normal that they are not well. What do you mean it is normal? Those who had three doses were told, "you are missing the fourth one". The one who died with the second one, they said, "if he had taken the third one".

Kla.TV: Of course, there is always an excuse for you to keep inoculating yourself and keep submitting to the 2030 plan at the end of the day, because it is the one that apparently sets the course in some way. At the political level we already know that no one has spoken out or at least almost no one has spoken out on these issues of content or analyzing vaccines, etc. Especially, when there is a percentage of the population that has shouted out loud after the "Campra report", how are we in this situation? Is there any possibility that it will reach a court that will take it seriously and really move forward with the complaint?

Mr. Delgado: We offer ourselves every day, Dr. Sevillano, Dr. Campra and myself to go to the courts when we are called by the Prosecutor's Office or by any Judge or Magistrate to testify. We have already filed 550 complaints between the Courts, the National Police Station that have taken the order and are obliged to do so and the Civil Guard barracks. There are some complaints that have reached a High Court of Justice. Specifically here in Andalusia. And then there are some that are progressing, but very slightly. That is to say, normally the judges keep it in the drawer, when they have called to testify they have not even read it. It is likely that they have a slogan to keep quiet about everything that is going on here. In the UK they even have traceability and legal custody. They have also discovered graphene and micro technology in vaccines and yet they are having a particularly difficult time getting the complaint recognized or having an open court case when it is being demonstrated and evidenced that everyone is being killed and that it has nothing to do with a pandemic or a coronavirus. And that's why they know when the second, third, fourth and fifth waves appear. Because they just have to excite the frequency quality of that material that they have inside. And now they tell you, and there will be more pandemics, of course. With that material inside when they excite it in a technological way they can create and generate all the epidemics they want. Sub-variant variants whatever they want. And they'll tell people it's a coronavirus or Omicron or Deltacron variant once again.
Kla.TV: Well Ricardo, to conclude: What possibilities do we, the ordinary citizen, the grassroots, I don't know what to call it, have to counteract in some effective way all this macabre planning that is currently underway?

Mr. Delgado: Well, the truth is that it is extremely difficult. We have arranged for many people to meet tomorrow. We have organized groups by provinces and people are getting to know each other. Because it is also good to raise the vibration a bit, given the daily psychological torture in the official media that serve the world economic forum through Vanguard and Blackrock. Some people say: how come all the media say the same thing? Because all the media are run by the same guy! It's as easy as that! Except for alternative media like Kla.tv and very few others. We are very grateful for that. So whoever wants to look for information logically goes to the alternative information groups. We have to do something important. There are collective actions such as interviews like the one we are doing now. Complaints. We have exhausted all the avenues of a democratic rule of law. But are we really in a democratic rule of law? Or is this a tyranny? Anyway, what are we going to say that people don't already know? Even those who swallowed it all. It is very difficult. We have to look for some joint formula, so that on the one hand to increase the critical mass more than what we are doing. But these people have gone to the extent of literally paying people to lie as spokespersons in the media and continue to maintain the deception to a large part of the people. A deception that is not an ideological or political deception. It is a major deception that leads the person and the family to death. That is what we are seeing. It is that this deception is not just any deception. It's a deception that leads to death.

Kla.TV: I have heard that in the UK they seem to have done an analysis similar to the one Dr. Campra has done, but I have read that it has even been legally guarded.

Mr. Delgado: ... legally guarded. Because we also have traceability and custody. The people who brought forth the vial- we are willing to testify and to swear the truth in a court of law. But there they have legal custody, i.e. there is a notary public who has followed all the traces. ... But even so, they are supposed to have denounced it, but do you think it will change anything? Because what we are seeing is the fourth shot, the fifth one of the flu, which will be the sixth one because it also carries this material, that is to say, this is what is intended and when we introduce a material globally and simultaneously in the entire world population and then we radiate it, you generate an epidemic, a pandemic, whatever they want. It's that clear.

Kla.TV: Well then, I would like you to give a little bit of hope with all this that you are telling and see some light at the end of the tunnel or whatever may be. If it is a light and it leads us to a safe port then we would welcome an idea that co

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