Climate change: A talk with Greta

1 year ago

Gretchen: There is a huge, huge climate change threat
Wait, wait, Gretchen...
Gretchen: If people continue to emit CO2 like this, climate change will no longer be able to be stopped...
Gosh, Gretchen... has it not yet arrived in your thoughts that man-made CO2 can hardly have anything to do with climate change? That's already snow from yesteryear...

CO2 is so insignificant, because only 0.038% of it is contained in the atmosphere.
And only 4% of it is caused by humans.

This means that man-made CO2 makes up only 0.00152% of the air. Most of the CO2 comes from volcanoes in the sea and from nature... and besides trees and our plants are very happy about the CO2. So, let us just keep breathing normally … without feeling guilty.

Gretchen: If things go on like this, there won't be a single glacier left!
Gretchen, that the glaciers are sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker, that is quite normal. The glaciers have always grown and melted over the millennia, depending on solar activity. There have also been warm and cold periods without the climate being influenced by CO2. Hmmm, this may be due to the fact that neither the climate nor the glaciers watch television or read newspapers. Maybe the scribes got something confused here, too? By 2010 the glaciers should have disappeared long ago... It's funny that the ice in Antarctica hasn't disappeared yet but continues instead to grow.

Some glaciers have even grown! And even the polar caps still exist... And there is still snow on Kilimanjaro today...

Oh man, they really got something confused here!

Gretchen: But the sea level will continuously rise, and the coastal cities will all be devoured!

Yes, yes, climate guru Al Gore had already predicted that for 2020, but coastal cities like New York, Amsterdam, London etc. are still there today...

Gretchen: The statements of the IPCC are definitely watertight. You can rely on them!

Oh! What nonsense! The climate catastrophe that this IPCC has been publishing for decades has been exposed as a falsification of corrupt researchers! These researchers had cooked up the climate data from the last decades with cheap tricks... to simulate the appearance of global warming. They even wanted to rewrite history. That is not nonsense! And they even retouched the medieval warm period. Well, that's... I don't even know what to say about that. And that's what you call researchers? Well, if these are researchers, then I am the Pope...!

Speaking of the Pope. We are well on the way to a climate religion. Those who do not adhere to the climate dogmas, pay indulgences to be forgiven for their climate sins –the much-discussed CO2 tax I mean, for example. This is how certificate trading works: You are a bad company. You produce a lot of CO2; you have to buy a free ticket from someone who emits little CO2. – On my stock exchange, of course. I make a loooot of money with it.

Roger Köppel of the Swiss People's Party (SVP) recently said: "This climate hysteria is a gigantic money machine."

"You scare people to take their freedom and money. It's like selling indulgences in the late Middle Ages. People paid because they were told, otherwise you won't go to heaven. The same madness is now happening with the climate. You abuse the climate to make money and exercise power."

Gretchen: Caution! If I told something like that, my Nobel Peace Prize would be gone, and the media wouldn't love me anymore!

Oh, if it's nothing else ... Eh, Gretchen?
You should fly less, drive less and bathe with less hot water. I think that's fully OK. However, the CO2 we save with that has just as little influence on the climate as the number of storks on the birth rate. Funny, isn't it?

Eh, Greta?! Are you also bathing in the brook?
Gretchen: Only in front of a running camera...
OK, we've digressed a little. Actually, we were at climate religion. Gretchen, what do you think?! Will they reintroduce the burning of witches?

Gretchen: I wouldn't care, I'm just afraid of climate change.

For I have heard that in 2014 the president of the British Science Association, Paul Nurse, said that, "climate sceptics should be crushed and buried"...
Oh, my goodness! That sounds like a crime story!
"Crush and bury climate skeptics."
"...crush and bury"
"...crush and bury"
Gretchen: Well, then come to "Fridays for Future"! You'll be safe there!

Nope, only if real environmental destruction is tackled there and not such high-flying numbers as CO2... Because topics such as CO2 actually only heat up people's minds and not the climate.

from ag

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