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Weather Weapons Raid – Now!
As a result of serious indications that the recent floods were caused by weather weapons, Christoph Hörstel of Neue Mitte (D) has clear political demands: »An immediate police intervention in the Chancellor's Office, the secret services and the Bundeswehr.« Hörstel proves that clear evidence of catastrophes caused by weather weapons has been available for decades. The people must know immediately which files on such war crimes are available. Whoever hinders this disclosure must expect to be charged with complicity in war crimes after evidence has been produced. Here now is an excerpt from Hörstel's speech.
The river overflowed its banks and swept away bridges, streets, houses, stores and people in the village. 34 people died. This did not happen in the Ruhr area, it happened almost 70 years ago in England in the night from August 15 to 16, 1952. The (one party) “Neue Mitte”, ladies and gentlemen, welcomes you. Today is Saturday, July 17, 2021 and it is 1:30 pm. In respectful remembrance of our brave pioneers in the former GDR, we should perhaps make this July 17th our June 17th. And there is also a lesson: The western zones in the old Federal Republic should also have rebelled against their occupiers. As always, the censorship: facebook caps and punishes all who forward, post, etc. Thanks for all who help here. That is the only antidote to censorship that works, that you distribute things. Thank you.
And now we are taking a very huge step. In a way, this is about Germany and its people. I wouldn't have dreamed of that a few days ago. We cannot simply do disaster reporting here and forget who is doing what here in Germany and elsewhere. And those who, like me, are now sitting warm and dry in Potsdam and have to report all this, would do well to do so for the others who are now suffering and who cannot and do not even have a head for it, sensibly, along with relatives, friends, relatives, and so on. Acquaintances, that we hunt the guilty ones here. Because this has to start immediately, otherwise it will all go very wrong, because the propaganda wave is already running. And we see this as a service to those who are now in a bad way.
Most striking is that the lodge and cartel politicians, the whole Deep-State swamp screams: "Climate change"! They know that IMMEDIATELY.
The Federal Minister for the Environment and Svenja Schulze of the SPD thinks that we now need, pay attention to the choice of words, "adaptation to climate change, that is a joint task of the federal government and the states.” Let me explain this briefly: We are overturning everything, we are restricting further freedoms, not only because of Corona, but now also with the climate lie in the background. And, in order to prevent possible regional resistance from arising in the first place, we will again expand the competences of the federal government, at the expense of the states and the regions, and thus constitutional federalism will be further undermined and the centralism method, which Adolf demonstrated to us so well, will now work again. And, of course, we are living in a total propaganda war, and with cowardice, comfort and weakness we are ensuring the success of this propaganda war.
What is clear, at any rate, is this: Obviously there is not a single fraud, suppression and annihilation scenario that does not operate violent solutions right now, while we look here at the floods and at the victims. Climate lie, weather weapon and harmful radiations, not only in mobile radio, in addition poisonings from the air, Plandemie with vaccination mass murder and mass bodily injury, war-mongering. These are the most important topics. I've been scanning all this over the last few weeks ... you can listen to it there.
But the key question is: Why should the weather weapon, of all things, be left out when all other weapons are already working or are being brought into service under various scenarios? There is no discernible reason for that. And to think about it, there is no reason either, right?!
And if you let that sink in, then you know: we are destined for doom! These are the things!
So, now let's look back to the beginning. Are you ready for the dead in the English village of Lynmouth in Devon? Because their souls are now coming together with the souls of our dead. They're talking to each other up there, in the world we're all going to, sooner or later.
In any case, the British Royal Air Force had inoculated the District's clouds with dry ice at night on August 14, 1952, in "Operation Cumulus." They could have done that over the sea if they wanted to know how it worked, couldn't they?! No, but they had to do it over populated areas, over their own. Then, 30 minutes later, the rain started, which was to turn into a deadly flood. The Air Force had simply conducted an experiment in weather manipulation and then immediately put the files under lock and key for 30 years, namely when the disaster took its course.
I quote: "The little river Exmoor burst its banks - and death took hold in Lynmouth in Devon." So similar Terra X then reported about it, and not in Verschwörungstheorie.TV - but in the Second German Television. The fact check then revealed: The little river Exmoor does not exist. In Lynmouth, East Lyn flows into West Lyn. And that is the name of the place, namely Lyn Estuary. Exmoor is the name of the nearby national park. So. Researching has never been the strength of our fee thieves, of course, no question! And a little thing at the end that simply shakes you. Little things can shake you: This whole affair of this flood and the 34 dead, that was then called "God's Hand", the "Hand Gottes".
It comes still thicker, it comes still thicker.
So, for what I'm saying now, of course, I only have factual evidence, not proof that there was human hand in this. Let's just take it as God's hand, yes. But it's interesting what's happening.
In the last 41 years, there have been floods on time in 10 federal elections, and in two of them there were floods so close.
1980 Donau (I have indicated the links)
1983 Rhein and Mosel
1987 Rüthen, Westfalen near by Dortmund
1990 Donau and Neckar
2002 die Elbe,elbehochwasser165.html
2005 in Bayern
2009 in Bayern
2013 Südostdeutschland and Sachsen
2017 Harz and Southeast Niedersachsens
and now 2021.
And my question is simple: Can this all be coincidence? I can't believe it at all. Ten century floods on time in 41 years. And the other three a few months before - that is, the year before the federal election or the year after.
And as a self-confessed conspiracy practitioner, I can only say that I don't believe in coincidence. But I also tell you quite honestly and quite openly, I lack evidence that weather manipulation has taken place here. I don't have it. And that's why I have clear political demands. We need an immediate police operation in the chancellor's office, the secret services, the Bundeswehr. Because we need to know immediately what files there are on this subject. And the people need to know that.
And every legitimate question is now of course: Why would the "Deep State" cause something like that to happen, right? Why would "Deep State" lackeys do such a thing? And I can give you clear reasons, because this has just been scientifically investigated, this is generally accessible. A real catastrophe, that is measurable, with scientific proof, leads to these consequences:
A political rethink is being sharply curbed. People are moving closer together. People who criticize are isolated and pushed back, for example, like ourselves. And now I quote: "Conspiracy theorists, anti-Semites, rejectors of solidarity". That's what they'll call us if they criticize what we're attacking here now. And indeed, we refuse mask and vaccination, absolutely right. And those who are talking are the ones who want to capitalize on people's misery. That's how it really looks. And they will tell us: We want to capitalize on it. And they will say to us: We wanted to cook our soup on it. And what do we have? We have it again that someone commits something and accuses someone else who is completely innocent of it and accuses him of what he himself does. This is the way politics is done in the West. Quite simply. In the whole rest of the world and at home.
And I ask again: Who are the nasty disaster winners? They are the ones who are now coming up with the climate lie, aren't they? How dare they come up with climate lies on the backs of people's misery. Only criminals do that. And this is done, although some of them know very well if and what was manipulated and that manipulation was and is already done and that the weather weapon is also constantly being researched, isn't it? That's the way it looks?
And what is it about? We have already talked about it. This is not new now either, others have talked about it - in addition to the Corona pandemic, that is a pandemic lie - they now also want to convert the climate lie into another freedom-restricting instrument against their peoples and people. And it's effective immediately, that's how. A giant election falsification in the postal voting area is planned after all. Role model USA. And in the USA - I have emphasized this several times - there are at least people who observe. There are film recordings of how they were tricked. Suddenly, while they were closing their eyes at night, thousands of votes were brought in. And quickly chased several times through the counting machines. And, and, and ... you took a look at these strange absentee ballots, they all came hot off the printer. There was nothing filled out by hand and an honest citizen has endeavored to the best of his knowledge and belief to tick the policy of his choice.
And the important thing is just that: If we are silent now, if we don't say all I said, if we don't expose the storm fraud, or at least attack it - for the past namely, if we can't prove it in the present. So, if we don't boldly go forward, then the Deep State lackeys are emboldened by us.
And with all their rotten means of power, continue with full force, they all know the quote from EU politics. They will vaccinate children, disenfranchise peoples, falsify elections, instigate freshly elected wars, impoverish and poison peoples. These are the things it is about very practically. And these things are all proven. Only this last point, we are still working on it. We must not forget, in this second: The governments lead world-wide war against their own peoples. And now they have just simply unpacked the weather weapon is my suspicion. This time it has turned out to be particularly harsh, of course, because so much is at stake.
The good news for us, there is also at the edge of all these horrors and the terrible suspicion: Whoever acts like this, whoever has to unpack the weather weapon now, obviously feels weak. Half of America does not abide by the Corona rules and the oppressive regime. And how long do we want to tolerate the criminal and murderous nonsense? When will we discover that 2/3 of the population have serious doubts about the whole policy? They often don't know what else to do, so they vote for what they voted for before, or something similar. But in any case, not against the system. It doesn't work at all with these ballots, because no one is against the system, whoever is on the ballot.
And attention just now: This is simply a consideration that has to be made, especially in view of the suffering in Rheinland-Pfalz and in Nordrhein-Westfalen and perhaps soon in Baden-Württemberg. If our resistance is strong, then the doubters tilt to us. If, however, we again remain technically, how shall we say, questionable - and go after the virus lie, etc., and also like to shoot ourselves in the foot otherwise, then they go to the other side. And then they will help our system, our governments, to find the vaccine refusers, to track them down, and they will complain that they are not vaccinated and they are endangering the rest of the population and, and, and ... what's going to happen. They then become, so to speak, auxiliary capos, deputy sheriffs on the hunt for the unvaccinated. Out of rage, of course - out of rage at their own stupidity and their inability to defend themselves. And out of anger at the hopelessness of this situation.
The "Neue Mitte" will not yield one meter to these scoundrels, who have probably willfully brought about not one, but at least 13 weather disasters in the past, and 10 times in 40 years during elections, and additionally then just during 2 election dates. Zero tolerance for it, that is the topic.
While our people drown in the floods and lose their loved ones, lose their life's work, lose their hope and watch it sink, the new center is pillorying the guilty as best we can. We need these crackdowns, I mentioned that. We need them urgently with the Chancellor's Office, the Bundeswehr and the intelligence services. And we need whistleblowers, of course. The country is beginning to depend crucially on that. Not only in the Corona sector, but also in this one.
About Corona and vaccination and so on, as always, there are the sources at the end of my text on my website.
As a result of serious indications that the recent floods were caused by weather weapons, Christoph Hörstel of Neue Mitte (D) has clear political demands:
"An immediate police operation in the Chancellor's Office, intelligence agencies and the Bundeswehr." Hörstel proves that clear evidence of catastrophes caused by weather weapons has been available for decades. The people must know immediately which files on such war crimes are available. Whoever hinders this disclosure must expect to be charged with complicity in war crimes after evidence has been produced.
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