Weather patents: Where the Disaster makers are to be located

1 year ago

On Monday, September 13, 2021, many people in Germany received an email from German climate activist Luisa Neubauer. Her request was that we the People need to stand up united to force politics to stop man-made climate change and the incidental catastrophes, such as droughts, floods, and much more. On September 24, 2021, young and old were supposed to take to the streets together to turn things around shortly before the federal election and save humanity.

Everyone can feel that the weather is no longer normal and that something urgently needs to be changed, and it is certainly factual to take responsibility for shaping the future, as one united humanity. The only question is whether Luisa Neubauer's approaches and proposed solutions are good or are we rowing straight into the wall, in other words, into a disaster? Does the whole of humanity really belong in the dock for causing catastrophes or: who are the catastrophe makers?
As a dissenting voice and food for thoughts, we will now show you excerpts from a video of the internet platform "" on the topic of "Patents for Weather Control".
The desire to influence the weather and use it as a weapon in a hybrid war against humanity is not recent.

Excerpts from "Patents for Weather Control"
[You can see] an interesting shot of a pilot filming from his cockpit. A KC-10, a US Air Force tanker flies in front of him. You will see in this shot that it cannot be a contrail coming out of the engines, rather a chemtrail coming out from spray nozzles underneath the wings.

Right now, he switches off the spraying system and continues to fly, even without the usual contrails as the aircraft is at an altitude where no contrails can form at all. The pilots filming the whole thing are about to talk in English. Is he spraying a chemtrail right now? Yes, we're right on top of him. Yes, I know. I'm putting this on YouTube. Are you recording this right now? Ah, you're recording it. It looks like it's spraying out of its wings.
Hello dear weather eagle community!
It's nice that you have tuned in again. This video is about a slightly different thing than satellite images or images of the sky from below; we want to deal with the facts in this video very briefly, relatively briefly, as briefly as possible. Indeed, there are videos in which people with a certain status, some of whom are meteorologists claim: "The whole thing is nonsense," and then they try to link it to some Nazi stories, so that everyone who believes in chemtrails is also a Nazi, which is of course absolute nonsense. And it is also interesting that the word "Nazi" can be said so often in these videos that one has the feeling that a subliminal attempt is being made here to convey a message and to link these two facts with one another.

The subconscious picks up the whole thing, of course. Instead of feeling attacked in some way or firing back or being insulting, because if you call someone a Nazi, if you call a group of people a Nazi, it is then definitely an insult.

And I don't want to sink so low at this point that I somehow, first of all, feel addressed, which I don't, nor somehow shoot back or something, but rather, I would like to concentrate a bit on the facts and I turn to a website which is "".
These people have done a lot of research on the whole subject and summarized these things very admirably.
We see here a list of patents from the years, starting here at the top, from the year 1913, 1915, then 1945, 1955, 1967 and the whole thing goes even further down.
So, and as I said, instead of expressing my opinion somehow now, or doing theoretical acrobatics here, or persuading people of anything, I'll just let the facts speak for themselves. I think that it's important in this day and age, with all the prevailing confusion; this whole flow of too much information where you no longer know what's real, what's not, what's fake, what's not, and I think there are quite a few sources that everyone can look up for themselves in order to make up their own mind.
So, let's take a look at a few of these patents and then I'll say a few other things about them, because they are also very exciting. But I'll just go through them. I've already opened the page of the patents in a new tab, so I won't click on them now because, as you can see, there are quite a few. And that means, of course, that nobody has an interest in influencing the weather in any way.

Because the whole thing of influencing the weather is totally uninteresting, that's why there are all these patents. Because no one has an interest in it, there are all these patents.
Let's start with the first one: The United States patent US3613992A. Up here it says Weather Modification Method, so this is a weather modification method. I won't go into the details here. Anyone who is interested can just open the patent and take a look - while it's still available! - I'll say something about that later on. Just skim it. Anyone who is interested, who needs more evidence, more proof, can put their own time into it. The patent is from 1966, but I'll stick to the headlines, otherwise the video will be too long: A device or method to influence weather conditions, that's the first one.
Let's take the second patent: US3795626A of the United States in 1970. In this case, it is also called the weather modification process. A device or method for affecting weather conditions, just as we had before.

The next patent is a cloud seeding apparatus, i.e. a method, a device, an apparatus to create clouds, seeding, to plant so to speak. Here you have a picture, on how the whole thing works. As I said, anyone can look at it in detail. Again, to influence the weather conditions: US3313487A of the United States. Further in the text we have here: Method of seeding, setting, producing clouds- Method of Cloud seeding, United States patent number US3545677A from 1968, again down here, to influence weather conditions. Here's another picture, a tank or something.

United States patent number US3429507A from 1966, Rainmaker. The patent is simply called Rainmaker, in a nutshell, that's what it's about. You can also open it here. This is the first time you see an airplane. That's also a bit about that, it's about chemtrails. Chemtrail is only a very small part of it, it's also a term that has of course been dragged through the mud. It is about geoengineering, so anyone who really wants to find results, also official results, including some documents from the Federal Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany, the best thing to do is to search for geoengineering or Solar Radiation Management. If you are looking for chemtrails, then you are in the conspiracy corner and that has nothing to do with conspiracy anymore - because the patents speak for themselves. That means that an airplane is involved in this patent as you can see.

Rotors, propellers and everything is nicely labelled here and so on – Rainmaker.
The next patent looks a bit different: US2005/0056705A1 from 2005. The whole thing is again a weather modification of the royal rainmaking technology, whatever - royal must apparently definitely be included. So again, rainmaking technology. Here you can also see... clean sky, clear sky with no clouds, humidity 60 %; then NaCl is seeded from an aircraft, as you can see well here – it’s a seeding aircraft.

Then steam condenses on these NaCl, i.e. water vapor, the existing moisture condenses on these NaCl particles, quasi condensation nuclei, which are expelled here. The result is: clouds shape at an altitude of 7000-10,000 kilometers - clouds form here. There is no need to say more, something is being sprayed from the aircraft, in some way, chemicals, chemtrail, because the aircraft is flying and this creates a trail - then the whole thing is a chemtrail, because chemicals are coming out from the back. This is what it says here in this patent. Anyone can look at it for themselves.

Then the whole thing goes on, I won't even go into it, it’s quite complex on how clouds circulate etc. So, that's that.
Here are some other pictures, I can click through them. A bit better explained and so on.
Let's move on to the next patent, which is US3877642A of the United States from 1974 from the US Department of Navy, it's from the American Navy and this is a patent for "Freezing nucleant". Nucleant means … it probably means something like a condensation nucleus that makes something freeze, I would say. Again, it says "pure silver iodide". "Silver iodide" is also a separate patent. Here again, it is a device or method to influence the weather..

It also has a picture you can look at. You can turn it. Here, too, it's quite scientific, with curves and so on, with different substances. So the whole thing is also very, very scientific. Physically, scientifically tangible. That's what the point is, that you don't stay in this conspiracy / esoteric corner, but that you say quite clearly: What are the facts? What are the patents? What does the patent say? What can I observe in the sky? Oh, yes, that makes sense, or you're just so persuaded and blinded that you say: "Oh, it's all a conspiracy, you're all Nazis." So you can make it easy for yourself or you might also get a certain pressure from whoever, you must not forget that. So, you should always think about it: Who benefits from the whole thing and, above all, how much control does the whole thing mean here? The whole thing is very, very exciting.
So, moving on, now it's getting exciting, let’s go to "Hurricane and tornado control device", patent with the number US20030085296A1 of the United States from the year 2001. You can see that since 1913 until 2000 they have worked on this really well, really hard and also really nicely, probably with taxpayers’ money, I guess. Now it's probably climate protection money, they're doing really, really good research, so that now they can even influence tornadoes and hurricanes. So, let's take a look at the whole thing. So a hurricane and a tornado control unit, if you like, control device to control a tornado. So, the pictures are also quite amazing, that is, we have here some form of frequency devices transmitting into the sky. There is a tornado here and let’s go a little bit further. So frequencies that are kind of beaming into the sky and then are kind of sending the whole thing up there. Then we also have the direction of rotation of the hurricane here. This means that energy is being injected or extracted, depending on the case. One can ionize different areas with interferometry and generate charges there. There is an old video of someone sitting there, who was that? I think his name is Haber.

Video: "In the last few minutes, I would like to tell you something about the possibilities of artificially influencing the weather and the climate. In order to do that at all, we first have to get to know the laws of nature that is how the weather machine works.
That's why I've been talking about it for so long. There are only two ways to really influence the weather and the climate. We can only do this by either adding large amounts of energy to the atmosphere or taking large amounts of energy away from it, because this is the only way to set the weather machine in motion. Energy can be added to the weather machine, i.e. in the atmosphere, with energy contained in itself, in the form of water vapor. You can spray crystals, fine crystals of a certain chemical that is silver iodide, in the atmosphere and thereby create condensation nuclei, which then cause the water vapor to condense preferentially. And with every gram of water that changes from vapor form to liquid form, 527 calories are released. And this can set whole masses of air in motion."

So in any case, you can see here that a hurricane can apparently be influenced, controlled. That's what the patent says, hurricane and tornado control device. Then we can click a little further. Here you can also see that it is actually being irradiated by different systems. That is also what we see in reality, on the satellite image. You just have to take a closer look and you will see that these large-scale weather systems are always somehow connected to frequencies. That’s what we always see, this scalar interferometry. That means I assume very strongly that there really is a global weather network working together here, partly on an electromagnetic level, partly on a scalar-wave level, and then not only gives the necessary energy but also gives it specifically. From here, from there, energy is taken away, put in there so the tornado moves that way. For what is lightning and what is a thunderstorm if not a large amount of energy?

A big load in principle and this load always seeks balance. That is what we are all seeing now with huge thunderstorms that come and then flash, flash, flash. Not a single thunder, but lightning, lightning, lightning. So it has a lot to do with loads and energy. And that is what these patents say at that moment. Here again the other direction. There are two more different ones. Of course, that looks logical. It's like a billiard ball.

If you put kinetic energy into it, that is, if you put kinetic energy into it with your stick, I think it’s called ‘cue’, when you hit this billiard ball, exactly at the edge, then it rotates. You can see that here, too. Only for adults, so to say, or this big. Actually, you shouldn't fiddle with the weather, but that's the way people are, or rather a certain group of people. The normal person is actually not like that, it's quite a complex topic, and this is done here. And finally, here is another picture. Even hurricanes can apparently be influenced. But of course the patent has been granted. Here "Status: Abandoned", because it is totally uninteresting. Whoever would think of such nonsense. Who would want to influence a hurricane? Nobody would want to do that. So it has been abandoned and you can be sure it will not be used – after a lot of work has been put into it.
Now next patent:

Method for controlling hurricanes – again, exciting from the year 2009. Oh wow, not just setting some clouds, making some rain or so – no this is about the big weather systems. Method for controlling hurricanes. Here another picture. By the way, here you can see these classic cloud towers that we all know by now. These are the ones that go up in the satellite imagery. That means that something is being done in between. And surprise! Planes are involved. Aircrafts that are again doing something, oh there are arrows pointing back there. Here one, you can read what that is. That means something might be coming out. Why doesn't the arrow point to the cockpit or to the wings? No, the arrow points back there to the exhaust region, let’s say, turbine.

That means that something will come out of it. And here again the general weather system turns and so on. Aircrafts involved again, hurricane and so on. United States patent number US2010072297A1.
So, at this point I could go on on and on, because we really have quite a long list of patents here and these are probably not all of them, but the most interesting ones. Now I'll show you something else that is also exciting.
I thought I'd go all the way down there and look for a patent that's not so old and sounds very exclusive, really interesting that I'd like to open it up. Just like these other patents that you can look at for free.

This one has been quite exciting, this hurricane thing. Now I'll go back here and try the following. I am now looking for a patent, several patents that sound very, very interesting to me, where I would really like to know what the patent looks like. For example, 18 February 2003, a process or an apparatus for the production of nanofibers. This is where it gets exciting.

These are threads that are on the nano level, some kind of apparatus to create these threads - that sounds exciting. I'll click on it... so, what is this? It's also some kind of page where you have to register, which means that it's somehow more difficult... that's exciting - you can't just look at it, like here... this patent you can just look at it... but here you just can't get any further, too bad. I would have liked to know how these nanofilaments work. Good, then we have a few more.
Then I'll take something else, we can't get hold of nanofibers... and that's a shame too. Then I'll go, let’s see if I can find it here... then up here is "Synthetically spun silk nanofibers and a process for making the same", something about nanofibers - let's see ... ah, the same again - what a crap.
Then let's take "super cool", that also sounds exciting.
That's what we have a bit at the moment, these huge hailstones that come down in the middle of summer, the size of golf balls - it all sounds very much like "supercool" to me. Method or apparatus to modify "supercool clouds", i.e. super cold, extremely cold clouds. I'd like to take a look at it. Oh - I can't get any further either, but that's also very, very unfortunate! Sounds really interesting, but somehow... and then - oh, we have something here too: November 16th 1999 "Weather modification by artificial satellites" but now, oh, that's new. I don't even see anything there - it's not even that I have to pay anything now, but I can't even get there. Yes, but that's also a pity. It sounds exciting, but unfortunately, we can't get there.
Let's move on, then we see here: "Method and apparatus for the modification of "supercool", there's the word again, so, but this time fog, "supercooled fog". So, let's have a look in there. Oh, that's as far as it goes, too bad. So, it's getting exciting here - the interesting things, you can't even get to them. That's very, very exciting. So, what else do we have? Well, the last thing here, oh here "ultraviolet radiation" - yes, we can open it - oh, it's not here either.

That is also very, very unfortunate. All the new patents here, then, what else do we have? "Formation of contrails", exactly, "acoustic method for measuring". Then here - this is exciting - "Artificial ionospheric mirror", that is, a mirror, an artificial mirror in the ionosphere, which consists of plasma, a plasma plane, and which can also rotate and move. Wow - I want to have a look at that. Ah, but what a shame, it's really a pity that you can't get to it. Then we have something else here. 12th March 1991 "Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth. So the creation of artificial ionization - ionization is more or less loading clouds above the earth. Loading clouds above the earth artificially - that's a bit like what we have at the moment, like thunderstorms. That's my theory, that we have this extremely strong load in the thunderstorms. They just flash so violently and release so abruptly - sounds very much like that. Let's take a look … too bad.
So you see, I can go on forever now - here "atmosphere modification satellite". A satellite that modifies the atmosphere. I'd like to take a look at it, but it doesn’t work, what a shame. So, what a coincidence, but we've already looked at this long enough - everyone can now make up their own minds whether these things are just standing there and don't exist or whether it's all just a conspiracy or whether this has really something to do with facts.
Or, where it gets really exciting with the heating of clouds, with the artificial input of energy into the clouds, here also, 15 September 1992, "Millimeter Wave Screening Cloud and Method", that is, here it is all of a sudden about millimeter waves, in other words, about microwave. Microwaves are millimeter waves. Now it's getting exciting, now we're suddenly moving towards mobile communications, now towards 5G. Millimeter waves, that's it. That happens to be unavailable, of course. And last but not least, because we haven't seen enough already. Like I said, none of this is my opinion, of course I also have letters from partly meteorologists, some of whom say: "Hey, look, I've studied some of these topics, everything you say is nonsense. I can explain it all to you. I know everything about the weather“
Look at these things, please. Was this taught at university? Is this what you have learned? I don't even have to talk to anyone about anything if these things are not known. So, and lastly, here's another document "Weather as a Force Multiplier", the weather as a power modifier, as a power amplifier. "Owning the weather in 2025", so "Owning the weather in 2025" - owning the weather by 2025”. This is a research paper that was presented to the Air Force, the United States Air Force. So, what level are we talking about here right now. It's exciting that it's even available. It's already more than 20 years old.
So this is where it gets really exciting, because this is really about, again, briefly 'scrambling through' here, influencing the weather from space. As I said, the video is already long enough.
"Deny fresh water", deny means: I hold it back, so I don't give it to you, I prevent you from getting anything. "Fresh water is denied" - prevent fresh water, fresh water shall not get to you.
"Induce drought", create drought.
Then, here we have the “Global Weather Network”, there it is. Satellites play a role, computers play a role, the earth. We've already seen with "Tornado Control Device" that frequencies play a role. Then here's the "Global Weather Network" again, aircrafts seem to play a role. This is what it looks like, dear people. It's all there, I'm not making anything up here. It's about moving this "garbage heap Earth" a little bit further, because a few people think they have to play God here.
So, it's up to us to change it all. It's up to us, first and foremost, to say: "Oh, crap, I've been missing out for the last few years. I've just been watching Netflix and kind of messed up with my life and now I'd like to wake up too, and I'd like to see what's really going on here and quit games, do a bit of work and not be distracted, for example, by some games at the moment and everything else suddenly doesn't matter at all, you just keep busy with things. That's what this whole thing is about, that you become aware of these things.
Scalar waves, that's going on here right now, and all the patents, that's all there. And, I always say, it's information that I give out, but it's also freely available. I am just summarizing them here on the channel, and I'm not claiming anything, it's just, yes, I'm pointing at things that are perhaps not so obvious.
So, let's close the whole video. Thank you for your attention and have a nice day.
It therefore seems to be vitally important to use one's energy to ensure that the real disaster makers are exposed and held accountable for their cruel crimes against humanity.

from hm.
Patents for weather control:

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