What is the difference between a wind turbine and a toothbrush?

1 year ago

"How I see it" with Manu from northern Germany.

Well, there I am now with my newly purchased toothbrush, for which I was so happy that I got it: This "limited edition toothbrush" made from renewable raw materials, plastic-free packaging, green-clean.
And when I got home, I checked my email and received these pictures from an friend.
Yes, that' s right! These are not toothbrushes in the field, but discarded rotor blades from wind turbines.
On the way home I passed an election poster of the Green Party, where Mr. Meyer advertises for voting for the Green Party. And so I thought to myself: Hhm, I knew that birds and insects are shredded by these wind farms, that infrasound can make you sick, that the soil dries out in these large wind farms, causing the temperature to rise, that huge amounts of oil are used as a lubricant, that toxic gas escapes into the atmosphere, which also harms the respiratory tract, this FS6, that the rainforest is cut down because they need the balsa wood for the rotor blades, that our forests are supposed to give way because these areas are needed for the large wind farms (at this point, many thanks to the dormouse, who saved our German storybook forest).
However, I have never seen pictures like this of how decommissioned rotor blades are disposed of. I wonder how Mr. Meyer can advertise for the Green Party, to vote for them, so that even more wind farms and solar parks will be built here, since they are apparently far from being green, environmentally friendly and health friendly.

Don't you think it's about time that we no longer fall for any more election promises and slogans from the parties?

I for one will send Mr. Meyer this video and ask him to answer me and explain to me how he can call wind power a green thing, and I think the politicians just need to know that we do our own research and inform ourselves and that we watch them very closely and watch carefully what they do and what they say, and that we also hold them accountable for what they do, which is just not for our benefit. So, yeah, it'd be cool if you joined in!

from Manu B
Wind turbine disposal



Climate change and environmental degradation caused by wind turbines








Oil guzzlers

Balsa wood/rare earths


Dormouse saves storybook forest

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