Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 7-26-23: Absolute Zero - Where the Green Machine Wants to Take Us

1 year ago

There are a lot of people out there who are really serious about saving our planet through various green initiatives, misguided though they may be. However, the individuals pushing this narrative from the very top of the food chain – the globalist elite – don’t believe in this scam one little, teeny bit. They truly couldn’t care less about the earth and especially about the general population inhabiting it, despite their encouraging those under their sway to cry about saving humanity. They care only for themselves with the money they rake in and the control they are able to exercise over the masses. The true believers in the climate change agenda are somewhat lower on the food chain and are primarily those inhabiting the Deep State, along with the useless idiots parroting the propaganda – as well as working diligently to do their part for Mother Gaia.

All this has resulted in much blather about the catastrophe the world is facing, and that it will end in 5 – 12 – 20 years; take your pick, as the experts have been spouting this nonsense for decades. This is the reason, by the way, that the term being used now is Climate Crisis. The sad and ironically funny aspect of this is that those shouting the gospel of planetary doom and destruction are actually correct at this juncture of world history.

Man is destroying the planet. However, it’s not through our inadvertent carbon and methane emissions; rather it’s a result of purposeful weather manipulation – such as with HAARP – the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - and incredibly foolish strategies to combat the results, such as the brilliant (“audacious!”) idea to block out sunlight – known as solar radiation management (or modification, a.k.a. SRM) - to halt global warming primarily by injecting reflective chemical compounds into the earth’s atmosphere. From this we have the grand plan to make everything worse around us so that those in charge can truly be in control with all peoples everywhere depending on the morsels of handouts they provide. This is the ironically funny part.

The sad aspect of all this is that God’s hand is definitely in this as well because of the necessary coming judgment. Very soon the Lord will rain down plagues of various kinds that will truly make the planet a barren wasteland. Worse than that, most of those living on the earth as this happens will lose their lives and their souls – this, last a far worse catastrophe than anything that happens to their earth mother.

In today’s Prophecy Update I want to show you the extent to which all this climate alarmism is leading. In the UK various prominent universities have collaborated, with government funding of course, to produce what is effectively a playbook for every aspect of their society (and, truth be told, the world) whereby they will slay the climate monster through their Green Machine machinations. Their document promoting this is called Absolute Zero – and yes, it proposes to achieve just that with every sort of theoretically harmful emission they can imagine. This leads to what is envisioned as a very different way of living than what we currently know.

For fun and the resulting tears, we’ll briefly discuss some of what this group is aiming for. You can bet your bottom dollar that the objectives outlined in the Absolute Zero paper will not remain limited to the UK for long.


Absolute Zero

Project Hail Mary – Andy Weir

Biden Regime Supports “BLOCKING OUT THE SUN”


Jim Rickards Strategic Intelligence: The Green Fraud: How Climate Alarmists Are Scamming You – subscription access only

Weight of electric vehicles causing road damage

How Oil is Formed

Carbon Capture and Storage

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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