WEF Scientist Testifies 'Man-Made Climate Change Is a Depopulation Scam'

1 year ago

WEF Scientist Testifies 'Man-Made Climate Change Is a Depopulation Scam'
A top climate change scientist has become the latest expert to blow the whistle on the globalist elite and admit the so-called climate crisis is a hoax to depopulate the world, humiliate the masses, and bolster the coffers of the elite at the expense of ordinary, working people.
That’s the problem with perpetuating a massive, ongoing hoax that affects literally every single person on the planet. A hoax of such enormous scale requires a lot of people to be in on the secret, and eventually some of them are going to blow the whistle and tell the truth.
Mainstream media is still trying to keep up appearances and pretend the hoax isn’t falling apart. That’s what they are paid to do by the global elite, after all. But the media is fighting a losing battle.
At this point the media is like the proverbial Dutch boy with his finger in the dam wall, plugging the leaks that are threatening to burst the dam wall.
Unfortunately for the mainstream media, the leaks are growing by the day, and the wall is about to come crashing in.
Source: "The People's Voice"
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