Guide to Magical Herbs

1 year ago
All herbs and plants are magic: they are the pure embodiments of the Earth’s spirit, sustaining themselves with sunlight, vibration, water, and stardust (minerals). Herbs and plants feed us, nourish us, and heal us. Indivisibly, they are a necessary and integral part of our magical and spiritual lives as well.

There are certain herbs that, after thousands of years of ancestral practice, seem to possess an innately powerful connection to magic. In every culture and in each climate and terrain, there are huge pharmacopoeias of many different herbs with many different uses, all of them valuable and valid.

This piece is written from a perspective that is primarily Western and European in knowledge of history. While the following herbs may not have been used in your ancestral culture (though you may be surprised!), there are many herbs that were, and most likely still are. If this aspect is important to you, I urge you to do some digging, as there is one amazing commonality when it comes to herbs—at one point in time, every culture used plant medicine to survive; every culture used herbs in worship and ritual. How magical is that?

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