1 year ago

Turquoise Frequency Vibration In Back Ground Ambient Sounds

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~Turquoise Stones have impressive metaphysical properties and are powerful healing stones that will filter the fifth element aether into the etheric body.

Aether fifth element
Lifeforce - Spirit or ‘Prana’.

•Spirit is a bridge between the physical and the spiritual.
In cosmological models, the spirit is the transitory material between the physical and celestial realms. Within the microcosm, the spirit is the bridge between body and soul.

•A strong stone of spiritual attunement and are very effective to aid communication, and they help to balance your male and female aspects.

•The distinct vibration of these stones resonates within the throat and third eye chakras, allowing you to access past life knowledge that may aid you to manifest clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities.

•Effective to communicate what comes through from spirit, within your day-to-day physical life.

•The energy of these stones will assist you to feel calm and relaxed when speaking in public.

•This strong compassionate vibration resonates out and affects all areas of the body will work in a diverse range of ways within different chakras, yet it always carries a strong ability to aid you to live your life with integrity and truth contribute more to conversations, and to be aware when what you have to say has value and validity will help you to speak with truth, wisdom, and forthrightness.

•Meditation -as this may aid the birth of psychic visions also known as clairvoyant abilities. known to aid the development of psychic gifts.

•Clairaudience is also known as the gift of psychic hearing may also enable you to begin to develop your intuition at a much stronger level.

•Turquoise Stones embody within them helpful energy for spiritual grounding.

•Throughout the body it brings a sense of deep calm and may help to heal emotional problems and stress and prevent mood swings.

•They have been known since ancient times to be strong stones for protection, and their psychic protection vibration is very reassuring.

•This stone allows you to have a deeper awareness of the flow from life to life. It may aid you to ultimately discover what your purpose is being here at this time.

•The vibration of this stone is powerful within the heart chakra as it ensures that the love energy flows through to everything you do.

•Knowing you are protected from any negativity.
This is fortunate as these stones are known to take you into a deep meditative state quite quickly.

•Develop psychic gifts - is helpful if you are working on boosting your psychic powers.

•In ancient times, used to heal eye problems, including cataracts harmonize and revitalize your body these stones embody an energy that will help you if you have been feeling depleted or overly exhausted enhance your creativity, and aid creative problem-solving.

•This healing occurs flows through the entire auric field creating healing on all levels. Its action spiritually may enable the body to ascend and reach a higher frequency.

Excellent for the respiratory system mental relaxation relieve anger.

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