Sing the Psalms ♫ Memorize Psalm 56 Singing “Have Mercy on Me, God...” | Homeschool Bible Class

1 year ago

Psalm 56(55) Miserere mei, Deus
2 Have mercy on me, God, men crush me;
they fight me all day long and oppress me.
3 My foes crush me all day long,
for many fight proudly against me.
4 When I fear, I will trust in you,
5 in God, who word I praise.
In God I trust, I shall not fear;
what can mortal man do to me?
6 All day long they distort my words,
all their thought is to harm me.
7 They band together in ambush,
track me down and seek my life.
8 Repay them, God, for their crimes;
in your anger, cast down the peoples.
9 You have kept an account of my wanderings;
you have kept a record of my tears;
(are they not written in your book?)
10 Then my foes will be put to flight
on the day that I call to you.
This I know, that God is on my side.
11 In God, whose word I praise,
(in the Lord whose word I praise,)
12 in God I trust; I shall not fear;
what can mortal man do to me?
13 I am bound by the vows I have made you,
O God, I will offer you praise
14 for you have rescued my soul from death,
you kept my feet from stumbling
that I may walk in the presence of God
and enjoy the light of the living.

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