Deus Ex Playthrough Pt2a: The set up, NYC. One of the Best video games ever, Moded Project HDTP

1 year ago

Revisiting One of the Best video games ever,
Pt2a: The set up, NYC, Liberty Island.

Behind the scene revelation as what is really going on.
Setting difficulty to Realistic and the proficiencies that go with such a choice.
Leaving the garbage behind, picking up the good stuff, filling up the inventory.
Now we are ready to wack away and anesthetize as well as havock wreaking.

La révélation des coulisses à propos de ce qui se passe réellement.
Régler la difficulté sur Réaliste et les compétences qui vont avec un tel choix.
Laisser les ordures derrière, ramasser les bonnes choses, remplir l'inventaire.
Maintenant, nous sommes prêts à matraquer anesthésier ainsi qu'à semer confusion et destruction.

Project HDTP (High Definition Texture Pack), is a modification for Deus Ex that aims to remake all objects and some NPCs with higher quality models.

A year 2000 game by Eidos. A masterpiece.

Single player playthrough. Realistic difficulty.

All video scenes and dialogues, secrets and possible routes.

Not a speedrun, a completionnist run as i get all Secrets and XP points available as quick as i can.

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