Political Books at Dollar Tree - Brett Kavanaugh Hitpiece, Fiction Sticker Attached

1 year ago

Around Dollar Tree and saw this among all the books in the book section with a fiction sticker attached to the back. I could care less about Mr. Kavanaugh but the hitpieces out there are really something. I skimmed through some of it and it's what you would expect. It's easy to see that the accusations weren't credible in any sense. Notice how after he was confirmed, she suddenly went into silence, dropped all the charges and we've never heard from that lady again. The easily manipulated lemmings insisting that she was brave and all that are really something. There's absolutely nothing brave or whatever about being an attention seeking harpy termagant who simply just wants attention and their 15 minutes of fame. Not to mention how selective and one sided the crowd is. George Takei being a great example among others where they flip flop more than a catfish in a moonbouncer. It's for good reason why nobody wants to compromise or anything with all the contradictions, drama, culture wars, insults and whatnot. There is nothing to discuss and ivory tower snobs can kindly get bent. Especially with how selective they are and how they can't keep their stories straight. Pages like Defiantls really showcase all the hypocrisy and double standards among all those Twitter users like JofromJerz, BrooklynDad, George Takei, John Pavlovitz, David Leavitt, Scott Dworkin, Mandela Barnes, Justin Trudeau, Tara Dublin, Molly Jong Fast, Brianna Wu, Joy Reid among several, several others in showing what a deranged circus much of this is and why nobody takes these things seriously. They're not even trying to hide their true intentions anymore and of course NPC lemming sheep will proceed with every lame excuse possible and gaslight you to no end. They don't even try to hide anything anymore but then of course the pulling of the race card, misogyny card among countless other lame smear tactics. So much more could be said.

Custom items including T-shirts, mugs, bags and many other items at Zazzle, more at the following link: https://www.zazzle.com/store/Severelyiratetrauma?rf=238935350911233283

Different fake mask items and more at the following link. Maskholes and Mask Nazis still exist throughout: https://bit.ly/3q72TSa

It's time for a national divorce and balkanization, it is long overdue: https://amzn.to/3O8c9RI

It's time and long overdue, especially with all the city and ivory tower snobs: https://amzn.to/3rJGApL

Good on Texas for trying, secession isn't a bad thing: https://amzn.to/4701LEh

Long overdue, bring on balkanization, good for Texas: https://amzn.to/3Yb9hIr

Balkanization, divorce and secession aren't always bad: https://ebay.us/ASkY1h

Disclaimer: Like before, simply more ramblings and worthless opinions from a bitter lost soul trying to find their niche. Several today are bitter, angry and miserable for good reason. The more cynical, hateful characters on television are actually very relatable in several different ways. I may be eligible for the various recommendations.

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