'Sandy Hook investigation update #7 school massacre was a "drill" evidence' - 2013

1 year ago

Published on Jan 8, 2013

"And federal firearms inspectors examined business records at the East Windsor gun shop where Nancy Lanza, Adam Lanza's mother, bought a weapon. Authorities said Adam Lanza used a Bushmaster .223-caliber semiautomatic rifle purchased by his mother; three law enforcement sources said Nancy Lanza had bought the Bushmaster rifle at the East Windsor store.

Sources said she bought one of several weapons she owned at the shop, Riverview Gun Sales, but the federal government's interest in the store grew out of events that are not related to the purchase.


Sandy Hook Elementary shooting Drill Active Shooter Drill Updates was like the 9/11 Anthrax Hoax

Mr Folan also remembers and sends his thoughts to the dozens of
hospital trauma and triage workers also stationed to receive victims
who never came. "I've never seen anything like it. You'd think it was
an exercise drill," he said.


EMS Captain ordered us to stand down, that there was no one left to
help, no one left alive.

" Pinsky said Saturday he didn't know whether his client saw anyone die."

Sandy Hook investigation update #7 school massacre was a "drill" evidence
Sandy Hook Elementary Staged Active Shooter Drill DHS

Why Were Medical Personnel Turned Away From the Crime Scene?

Sandy Hook Security Policy

Sandy Hook Elementary Staged Active Shooter Drill DHS"

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