Garden Grove Unified School Board Meeting (Teacher/Coach Sean Redmond)...Cut Short...Interviews

1 year ago

Many gathered at the Garden Grove School Board meeting to voice their opinions & to protest the potential firing of Teacher Sean Redmond, who took a stand, filing a formal complaint advocating the rights of parents, teachers & students, after he was told to “keep information away from parents pertaining to a student’s “gender identity,” even if parents asked about it.” He & other teachers were also “steered to an absurdly named “Flower Power Activity” quiz, where teachers were to ask innocuous questions about favorite colors and hobbies, but then were directed also to ascertain students’ religions, “pronouns,” sexual orientation, and other deeply personal information. “Have fun with it!” the administration shockingly” exhorted.

“Mr. Redmond argued in his complaint that compelled speech amounts to a violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and that quizzing students about their religious and moral beliefs violates their constitutional rights.”

Attended this meeting to Stand for Righteousness & justice. The meeting was cut short, but attendees gathered outside for over an hour after the School Board meeting was adjourned.

Rebecca Friedrichs, founder of “For Kids & Country” (former teacher of 28 years, author, etc.)

Jose Manzo - Teacher a La Mirada

Barbie George, “Moms for America”

and more.

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