1232 Wycliffe Irvine, CA 92602, 2015 Anno Domini

1 year ago

Chapter 21: The Awakening

My true eyes opened. Beautifully brilliant light flooded in. I saw the most beautiful creature that I had ever laid my eyes upon. There were colors radiating, vibrant brilliant colors that I didn’t even know existed. An angel stood before me and asked “Do you remember who you are?”. I replied “Yes, I am Adam. I ate from the fruit of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” The angel smiled and said “…And what did you learn?”. I responded, “I learned about the tremendous price of free-will, the cost of evil, sin, suffering, and death. I also learned about the tremendous worth of free-will, the reward of goodness, fidelity, sacrifice, and love.” The angel’s beautiful eyes opened even wider with a gaze of pure love, and its voice rang with an enchanting sweet melody, “I saw. I was right there beside you the whole time. ”The angel’s intoxicating smile then suddenly turned into a downward pout as if I had done something dreadfully naughty, “You were warned by the Creator not to eat from the fruit of the forbidden tree. Will you ever disobey your Creator again?” Without hesitation, I immediately responded, “No, I will not disobey my Creator a second time.” This seemed to greatly please the angel who exclaimed jubilantly, “Then you have learned your lesson!”. I then realized that my body felt wonderfully content, completely relaxed as if I was immersed in a warm bath after the most revitalizing massage. I asked, “Where am I?” The angel responded “This is the House of the Lord.” I lifted my head and looked around. I was in an extremely large room that was pure white with the highest ceilings I have ever seen. Suddenly, I smelled an aroma like that the combination of all my favorite foods on earth, it was sweet and savory and all the fragrances seemed to blend beautifully together, yet I could identify each individual scent. The angel reached out its hand that looked like polished ivory, which was soft, smooth, silky, glowing with an ethereal white light that grabbed a hold of my hand. It was like a soft tickling electric shock stimulating new nerves that I didn’t even know I had on the palm of my hand. Suddenly, there was a flood of memories downloaded into my mind, and I saw how the angel had watched over me my entire earthly life. It was like my heart was overflowing with love as I saw how it had watched over and cared for me. With my eyes welling with tears I exclaimed “Adi! You are my Adi!”. Then the angel made eye contact with me for what seemed like an eternity, and I saw its face glow with dazzling delight. Adi then giggled and pulled me forcefully and gracefully to my feet and replied, “Yes, my darling, I am your Adi. You must be hungry. Come eat.” Adi guided me by the hand though a large archway into another room with a rectangular table in the middle. At the center of the table was a covered dish. In front of the dish there was a single place setting with a plate, napkin, utensils, and a chalice. Adi motioned to me to sit at the seat. The chair was white and silky with curved edges. It looked to be carve out of a single pearl. It was extremely comfortable and seemed to fit me like a glove. The plate was circular and pure white like silky ivory. The napkin was translucent white with a lacelike texture resembling a fractal snowflake. The chalice was transparent glass made of pure gold filled halfway with an amber liquid. The utensils were also made of transparent glass and seemed to glow warmly in my hand. Adi then beamed gleefully pulling to remove the cover to the dish at the center of the table, “It is a special Manna I made just for you. It is all your favorites. This type of manna can be whatever you want it to be.” Adi then served the mana onto my dish. I took the utensil and lifted the manna to my mouth and took my first bite. Adi watch me with excited expectation to see my reaction. It was tender and it melted in my mouth with a sweet savory flavor that words cannot describe. “Thank you. It’s perfect.” Adi motioned for me to take a drink from the Chalice. The amber liquid felt cool as it flowed down my throat, and I could taste it the whole way down, a sweet fruity delightful taste. “What is it?” I asked. Adi replied “It is tea made from the tree that bears twelve fruits”. My whole body felt completely refreshed. Adi was watching my enjoyment, and we made eye contact again. It was like time stopped and every care melted away from me. Adi then said “Eve, your family, and your descendants are waiting for you in the Grand Hall. I will take you there shortly. Afterward, I will take you to meet the Lord at the Throne Room”.

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