Forces Against Deception

1 year ago

The illustrated novel featuring the panels used the Madking's Alchemical Deck and more: Helluva Guy: The Halls of Amenti. Follow Jason on the alchemical journey to transform his soul and unite with his Holy Guardian Angel; or fail and be left to the demons of the outer realms to dissipate into the void.

A bit more angel technical with the Substack hardcopy of dreams written:

And the actual instructions, not fictional format: Madking's Alchemical Delta: How to Ascend the Tree of Life to Reach Your Holy Guardian Angel:
$2.99 Author Profits go to Empower Us Ministries for election integrity and animal rescue. Free with Kindle Unlimited.
Now in paperback for quite a bit more; but actually a magic number next to the minimum price for extended distribution of a full color paperback that takes your through the alchemical tarot on your ascent of the Tree of Life. And again, all author proceeds go to bettering the world.
Same with Helluva Guy
Hardback is a lot; but its premium everything. But the info itself is available cheap if you do not care that.






Each arrow is an hour of meditation. If you do them you'll dream like I do, It's a snapshot of heaven. You do not have to stop anything that you are doing to focus your mind. They are labeled in phases so you can go back to get a fuller picture. But you do not need to, to get a tether to another plane of gamma consciousness and lucid dream.

Phase Twenty
→This angel P [Puh] between uniting the animal and angel merges with you if you are female. If you are male, she ascends to a platform with an ultra-violet, blacklight glow: in the Pyramid of Transformation, in the Temple of God.
→You ascend to a platform that glows like a black light, floating from a sardonyx platform with a glowing yellow top. It is night because you are inside a particular place in the Temple of God that is dark to show the lights therein. You are on a massive pyramid with steps you have to fly between.
→There is an angel there PA (Pay). He looks like a young Bill Murray with a full head of hair. He tells you where you act out from hidden worthlessness.
→If you're male he merges with you. If you are female, he flies ahead to a light blue glowing platform
→You ascend to the light blue glowing platform up the massive steps of this pyramid.
→When you get there you are met with PE (the way we say P) is a female angel with white hair. She is over white and black lemurs lemurs. She has a blue glowing ring on her right index finger.
→She tells you that she is going forward to create the moment of success in your future
→If you are male she flies ahead to an orange glowing platform. If your female she merges with you and tells you this future moment
→You go up to the orange glowing platform, floating up for its height, and there waiting for you is a being like PE; but with red hair called F-JQ-FE. She is over red lemurs. She tells you to get into the ecstasy of the moment. If you are male she flies ahead onto a glowing, dark blue platform. If you are female she merges with you.
→You fly up to the glowing dark blue platform. There is an angel who looks like a young Ted Danson with white hair called FH. He tells you that the perfect cycles you bind on Earth are bound in heaven.
→If you are female he flies ahead to a purple glowing platform. If you are male he merges with you and you see the perfect cycle.
→You go up to the giant emerald step with a purple glowing platform. When you get there, there is a brunette female angel who is bound with immense power. She says let dharma bind your hands and lips. Your way will be made.

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