New Zealand Loyal - Do You Know About the LGFA 26th July 2023

1 year ago

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The LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING AGENCY (LGFA) was set up under the Local Government Act 2011. No New Zealand local government agency or organization, city or regional council can borrow unless it borrows funds through the LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING AGENCY (LGFA), a Limited Liability Company – and to do so, each borrower council must sign an [unscrupulous] GUARANTEE & INDEMNITY DOCUMENT putting all Ratepayers’ properties with their rates revenues up for security against the debt.

If any Local Government debt in the future becomes unsustainable, or if a council defaults on its debt, then the overseas bankers can extract what is owed, by way of extortionist rates rises from ALL ratepayers, and if they can’t pay, the bankers can sell or confiscate the ratepayers’ properties, homes, farms and anything else to recover the debt (which incidentally is growing enormously by the day and is completely out of control).

This right now means all local government and central government elections are now a complete and utter farce and we are living under a tyranny already. It also means all political parties and politicians, who do not recognise this, are themselves also a farce. All other issues are subordinate to this primary fundamental issue, because historically, the cornerstone of democracy has always been the right of all citizens to freely own private property – and whenever this has been removed, as it has been in this GUARANTEE (although most people don’t know it yet), you are then living in a Fascist or Communist dictatorship.

For people who struggle to understand this legal jargon. Simplified, the LGFA’s debt obligations are guaranteed by its council shareholders, borrower and guarantor councils [WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF RATEPAYERS] on behalf of ratepayers. Each borrower council must sign the GUARANTEE. All councils in NZ that have borrowed off the LGFA have treacherously signed the GUARANTEE. Tauranga City Council Mayor Crosby was the first. Surely, even a first year high school child would never sign such a treacherous document as this imposing such blatant, potential dire consequences on those he represents.

To hide who these criminal banking pirates actually are from the uninformed and simple-minded, the lawyers have created a “SECURITY TRUSTEE” who acts on behalf of the BENEFICIARIES (the secret overseas bankers involved).

While the chickens haven’t quite come home to roost yet and the bankers haven’t begun confiscating homes or farms as they plan, you might like to do yourself a small favour by first reading about the stupendous powers the “Security Trustee” has over the borrowers and the ratepayers they represent in the 116-page GUARANTEE AND INDEMNITY DOCUMENT – and learn a bit more about the SECURITY TRUST DEED and view the LIST OF LGFA GUARANTORS AS AT 31 MARCH 2023 to appreciate exactly who all the principal treacherous mayors actually are.

Here, just for the record, is the latest “LGFA STATEMENT OF INTENT 2023-2026” for those who may appreciate what level of debt they are dealing with:

Therefore, this all means, with the greatest of respect, that the greatest attack against private property rights and freedom in NZ may not end up coming from Central Government at all, and the bankers that in turn control it. It may very well come from a most unlikely candidate – your friendly Local Government Councillor or Mayor, someone you all thought was a good guy, you voted for and thought was acting in your and your family’s best interests.

LGFA Website -

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