World class satellite maker launches in HK

1 year ago

World class satellite maker launches in Asia’s world city Hong Kong expect to make 200 each year 世界級衛星製造商在亞洲國際城市香港成立生產基地, 預計每年生產 200 顆

In an unexpected twist, Hong Kong stepped into a new, future-focused industry yesterday: satellite manufacturing. And, in true Chinese style, did it by partnering with companies in India, Africa and the Arab countries. Friday's editor Nury Vittachi was there. 昨天,香港出乎意料地進入了一個面向未來的新行業:衛星製造。 並且,以真正的中國風格,通過與印度、非洲和阿拉伯國家的公司合作來做到這一點。 週五的編輯努里·維塔奇也在場.

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