1 year ago

Diversity hires are supposed to be some type of anti-racist practice. What they are is the most racist concept you can possibly implement as a policy in your company. To state that you're going to hire a number of people who are not white specifically so that when some client walks in, they don't just see white skin is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I am a victim of this diversity higher garbage. I had more than a dozen companies tell me that they wouldn't hire me in the Toronto area because I was white.

These companies were condescending to other races because I suspect that they believed other races could not keep up with white people so they chose to cost their companies more money by ignoring candidates who are already in their office that were qualified to search for unqualified candidates who had a different color skin.

That is racist Behavior just so you understand.

Americans got fooled by this entire left-wing rhetoric of give someone a job just because they are black and you ended up with Barack Obama who was the worst president America ever had, that is until modern day Joe.

Americans actually thought that their country would actually get better simply because Barack Obama was black. Americans actually believed that there was a magic solution to all of their life problems because a black man was going to be in a leadership position. Perhaps all of you believe that magic is real and that his half black skin was in some way magical.

I despise all this diversity shit because it isn't helping anyone and all it is doing is dividing everybody because people feel guilty if they don't insult a white man and they feel guilty if they don't properly compliment a black man even if he doesn't deserve it. You're all going to pay dearly for this because the Russians and the Chinese are laughing at us and you're going to allow those two to become the superpower that America should be. Americans, if you want to keep fighting with yourselves by all means do so. But who the hell is going to defend the country when the Chinese walk in?

Watch the Kevin j. Johnston show every Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. New York time, live on www.freedomreport.ca

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