This Bleating of the Sheep (Do Not Leave Out Even One Compromise...) Part 2 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

1 year ago

Sunday Afternoon Preaching - Sins to Avoid - Part 2 of 2
July 23 2023

This Bleating of the Sheep - Part 2
Do Not Leave Out Even One Compromise In Serving the Lord
Text: 1Samuel 15

Objective: that the brethren avoid compromise in serving the Lord and rather follow and obey the Lord to the full

Define – Bleating, Lowering, Compromise, Leave out
Verses: sacrifices, obedience

Why Should We Avoid Even One Compromise? Because:
1. The Lord’s Word/Commandments are very important - v.1 – “hearken”
a. It leads to blessings when obeyed, but curse and rejection if disobeyed
b. Even details are important
c. Better than sacrifices – v.22
2. The Lord expects us to Obey Him – vv. 10-11
a. It grieves the Lord and His servant when we disobey
3. The Lord Knows our Level of Obedience to His Words vv. 10-11
a. Even the servants of the Lord know – v.14
b. Our attitude why the compromise was made – v.19 “fly upon the spoil”
4. No Amount of Excuse we can give, will warrant the Lord’s pardon
a. Not Flatteries, Compliments – v.13
b. No Lies can Hide it – vv.13, 15
c. Blaming other people – v.15


Take heed How and Obey the Lord, serve Him well without one compromise…

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


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