Answer THIS Question to Expose and Eliminate Bad Habits!

1 year ago

When you're facing a problem, what's the advice that people will generally give you?

Usually, it is to do MORE.

Wanna get in shape? Do more exercise!
Wanna get out of debt? Work & save more!
Wanna get that promotion? Put in more effort!

But what if there was another way to achieve your goals?

What if, in order to solve a problem and reach a certain goal, you could only do LESS? How would you go about achieving that same goal that way?

It's an interesting question, isn't it?

It's one of the questions you should ask yourself, because it helps you identify your bad habits so that you can eliminate them. For example, less junk food will help you get in shape. Less useless spending helps you get out of debt. Less scrolling Facebook helps you get more done at work to get that promotion.

See the point?

It's all about our bad habits.

Yes, putting in the effort to build new and better habits in our lives will definitely help a great deal! However, oftentimes it can be just as (or more) effective to eliminate the things that drag us back from achieving that goal!

Try asking yourself this question and take note of the answer you give yourself!

And, to get the full 6.5 questions you should ask yourself, watch the full video here:

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