End of the World Conspiracy | Dealing with Trauma

1 year ago

It's up to us to choose to be different. We don't have to hate the left or the politically right just because someone on TV told us to. This video is to address just that and Eric Boston is glad to be back, don't forget to subscribe.

Bad hair day.

What are you thinking?

Even if you were abused or bullied as a child, don't let that stop you from keeping a positive mindset. Even if other people around you are being negative.

Nice walk through the woods here. So,

with everything going on in the news, Let me just sum it up, as far as my opinion, my two cents, however you want to take it. Ahh. The main point of this whole video,

my main point is, And regardless of what's going on in the news, you gotta, you know, kind of set that aside. Take a walk in nature.

Get your mind off these things. Constantly hearing about all this stuff.

It isn't really good for your psyche. I'm

not saying to watch no news at all.

There's a healthy dose. And, you know, in my opinion, there's only certain types of news that are actually, um, important to know and to pay attention to. So, and that leaves out that huge chunk of garbage. And that leaves out all the unnecessary news. And, I, I could speak for... I'm not speaking for anyone else, but you're only given this limited time and why spend too much of it on things that don't really relate to you or anyone you care about or know.

Do you know what I'm saying? Of course you do. Of course you do. I'm walking through this. You know, beautiful path here in the woods, talking about a bunch of news that doesn't really, uh, apply to this setting, does it?

Outrageous ones out there.

I want to hear all the naysayers in the comments. God, such an old fashioned term. I gotta stop saying that. Um, haters. All the haters. Oh, yeah. Wrapped in a lion. So much


Last I checked, this was, this was actually

a parking

lot. Same side, mile and a half. We'll see. We'll see. Do you hear the chopper in the background?

Thanks for watching. I hope this gave you some food for thought.

Until next time.

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