Our Power. Taking it Back and How to Use it.

1 year ago

Flowers for a beautiful introduction…to the subject of:
Giving Away Power, and Using Power
2.02 What does it mean?We have learned from an inside-out and backwards system form the dark architectural structures of technology and every aspect of the way we live: food, drink, agriculture, medecines.
3.11 Gradually trying to gather the true systems for our lives but we’ve been living in this enmeshment: designed to capture and slowly kill us.
3.44 the ‘guys holding that power are no longer there, but because of the enmeshment matrix we are still feeding the control structures.
4.00 Rings of influence “matrix enmeshment” diagram
4.44 We have intrinsic power from our THOUGHT. But we had no idea we were being taken advantage of by our captors by getting us to power their systems and structures of control, limitations and slow death
5.40 How did they do this? They had control of the system, and they used repetition t install in us thought forms. -The true learning is through resonance. How have we been taught by the system? -Repetition, so that we BE-Lieve it, adding our thought energy to the structure, becoming its own entity.
7.30 Our planet now has all these, ’hovering’ structures of thought, which we continue to feed, because we do not realise we are powerfully doing it.
7.50 To change this we need to realise : OUR THOUGHTS HAVE POWER.
8.00 “they’ trained us in this way because their had no energy supply of their own, having disconnected form SOURCE, and were living off us like their batteries…..
8.30 If we continue to feed this, we kill ourselves.
8.44 Could we remove this thought-forms? Many people are doing this…..
9.11 first thing: we introduce something else, bring in more Source energy.
9.30 Having to experience separation form my beloved because of these structures….
10.00 “we” gave the three letter agencies a lot of power because of how they carefully programmed us to think of them: through all media.
10.30 These agencies are populated by low frequency just-about-humans….
11.00 Even if the entities are no longer present, the darkness of the human and the system props up their actions….and it certainly FEELS real and powerful . In reality they are dwindling FAST, but our thoughts keep reinforcing that ‘they’ are in power….
12.00 Explaining the power -play of our investment of what we still perceive to be powerful.
13.11 “This” ( in the drawing ) is still powered by us! We can stop that.
14.00 The story of the police and the protestors. We are one and the same….
14.41 We have to do this with every single institution.
15.30 the stupid systems ( the dead entities) still trying to stop us in or power- but how do we make the shift to understand that power is no longer substantial?
16.00 Even if I were speaking to no audience i would still be exerting power…remember “They are just a pack of cards!” It feels scary to ‘disobey’ an authority….
17.20 Here are the ‘dead structures’ : legal system. policing. public health. food. education.
22.44 Definition of the New Earth “Schools”- Learning Centres….a la my school on Zog in the Milo & Teal books…..
24.30 Here are the ‘dead structures’ : Religion. Advertising.
28.00 If we no longer invested in these structures with out beliefs, they would wriggle down like a flat balloon….and die
28.50 We can meditate- to go beyond date matrix programmes beyond the power drainers, to draw our power, self respect self worth to take our energy and reinforce their dark systems. And we have to just say “f off!” Dance, meditate, sing, go into nature to be restored.
30.33 You can use your VOICE if you cannot GO any particular place or into nature. Taking the sound from your mind, moving it out from your inside to your outside.
32.30 overtones spread a vibrating frequency through your head, which causes a field frequency generator…
33 We need to get BEYOND the systems because if we don’t, we will be controlled by them still…” you have no power over me any more!”
34 Just because a bank says “no’ to you, honest mean you wont have any money. Every time we hit a wall we have to find a way around it.
34.30 If we let ourselves be limited by the ones wishing to cage us, how are we going to help the ones who don’t even know we have a cage: we MUST go beyond these structures.
34.45 Exercise in invasive techniques….flowers into the dark computers…we have to do this with everything. these structures are only as powerful as we make them.
35.30 Every thought we have and feeling we have IS VALUABLE- an innate value held within, impossible things…something wondrous about us. How we feel and what we think. and it is time that we tell each other how wondrous we are.
36.30 and therefore we can change all these floating structures of the matrix…
37 as we reinforce OUR ideas, they will lessen in power and structure….
37.50 I use rescue remedy as a “permission slip’ to make the decide to mov past any FEAR.
38.30 There is no outward manipulator any longer…. we need to hold on a little while longer- so that “it” dissolves and people will start seeing the sky beyond (literally!)
39 “I am allowed to feel good as a human being. I am allowed to want something as basic as a home to live in with my beloved. I an allowed something as basic as wanting to live in joy and peace and love with my family- my fiends, with the nature around me. Its very basic. We MUST claim it.”
39.29 “ And we must also claim: I am allowed to want to look after all those who have suffered at the hands of this system, to help repair them, give them what they need to nourish them. That is our birthright: to repair the harm, and to live in a good state. - build it, fill it with with every thought you can find.

“It” got personal, 20 years ago when it swallowed-up my children, took them away into space which pretended it was churchly, but which actually did its level best to separate my children from me, their Source connection and their innate, exquisite creativity.

Know what I did?

I launched into making that WRONG a RIGHT: I devoted my entire energy to developing work for children which would bring them proper harmonious contact with their Inner Being, ensuring them access, trust, confidence and love with their CREATIVE SOURCE- God.

It has got personal again.

I KNOW all about the darkness waging its rage against humanity- I have studied and written about healing its ways for decades. But now I am ACTING upon it with all the deliberate tools in my Full Human potential!

And YOU here, reading this, are a part of this!

INSPIRITION: the name I received for my band= to enliven and encourage. Well, that beautiful name is what I shall be doing with you:

sign up below. there is no cost ( of course you can donate to me if you like)

I will be training you ,reminding, inspiring and encouraging you, HOW you can use your CONSCIOUSNESS, your IMAGINATION, your heart, soul and mind, to AFFECT CHAGE in the spiritual realms.
Those are all the realms we cannot touch with our fingertips and pronounce to be ‘real”. They ARE very real.

Change that ENERGY-STUFF, and you trigger WHOLE AVALANCHES of change.
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My post about Planetary change through the IMAGINATION and SOUL-TOOLS? here is the link to join in this work:

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