One Pilgrim's Musings - In Jesus, I AM - A Special Muse - 6 of 7

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1 year ago

Allowing the TRUTH of God's WORD, the Songs, Prayers and Promises of the PSALMS, to speak into your life. God Bless.

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A child of God Rom. 8:16
Not my own… I am bought with a price I Cor. 6:19,20
Crucified with Christ Gal. 2:20
Buried with Christ Col. 2:12
Risen with Christ Col. 2:12
Redeemed and forgiven of my sins Col. 1:13,14
Saved by grace through faith Eph. 2:8
Born again I Pet. 1:23
Washed in the blood of Jesus Rev. 1:5
Sanctified and justified I Cor. 6:11
A new creation II Cor. 5:17
His workmanship, created for good works Eph. 2:10
A partaker of the divine nature II Pet. 1:4
In covenant with the Lord Heb. 10 16
Keeping myself pure I Tim. 5:22
Holy Heb. 3:1
A saint Col. 1:2,12
In His hand John 10:28,29
Redeemed from the curse of the Law Gal. 3:13
Delivered from powers of darkness Col. 1:13
Translated into the kingdom of Jesus Christ Col. 1:13
His sheep and He is my Shepherd Ps. 23:1
Led by the Spirit of God Rom. 8:14
A son of God Rom. 8:14
Kept in safety wherever I go Ps. 91:9-12
Getting all my needs met by Jesus Phil. 4:19
Casting all my cares on God I Pet. 5:7
Strong in the Lord and in the power of His might Eph. 6:10
Daily putting on my spiritual armor Eph 6:11
Doing all things through Christ who strengthens me Phil. 4:13
My Beloved's and He is mine Song 6:3
Delighting myself in the Lord Ps. 37:4
Acknowledging Him in all my ways Prov. 3:6
An heir of God and joint heir with Jesus Rom. 8:17
Seated with Christ in heavenly places Eph. 2:6
A doer of the Word Jam. 1:22-25
Blessed coming in and going out Deut. 28:6
An inheritor of eternal life I John 5:11,12
Blessed with all spiritual blessings Eph. 1:3
Speaking the truth in love Eph. 4:15
Growing up into Jesus Christ in all things Eph. 4:15
Healed by His stripes Isa. 53:5
Prosperous III John 2
Reigning in life through Jesus Rom. 5:17
Receiving power to get wealth Deut. 8:18
Above principalities and powers Eph. 1:19-21
Exercising my authority over the power of the enemy Luke 10:19
Above only and not beneath Deut. 28:13
More than a conqueror Rom. 8:37
Receiving by my praying and saying Mark 11:23,24
An overcomer by the Blood of the Lamb Rev. 12:11
An overcomer by the word of my testimony Rev. 12:11
Daily overcoming the devil I John 4:4
Walking by faith and not by sight II Cor. 5:7
Remaining strong in faith Rom. 4:17-21
Bringing my body into subjection I Cor. 9:27
Bringing every thought into captivity II Cor. 105
Being transformed by a renewed mind Rom. 12:1,2
A laborer together with God I Cor. 3:9
The righteousness of God in Christ II Cor. 5:21
Complete in Christ Col. 2:10
A member of the Body of Christ I Cor. 12:12-14
A fruitful branch of the True Vine John 15:5
Cleansed by the Words of Jesus John 15:3
Rooted and grounded in love Eph. 3:17
Walking in love Eph. 5:2
The light of the world Matt. 5:14
A cheerful giver II Cor. 9:7
Making my way prosperous and having good success Joshua 1:8
Strong and of good courage Joshua 1:9

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