Scientific analysis of recent New York Post and New York Times attacks on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

1 year ago

I wanted to evaluate the validity of attacks made by media such as the New York Times and congresswomen Debbie Wasserman Shultz claiming Robert F. Kennedy Jr is a bigot towards Jewish people. In the end it appears to me that he was speaking accurately and in no way was intending to defame Jewish people, instead the media and certain democrats are attacking him for bravely speaking out on incredibly important issues that the government doesn't want exposed.

Please note it that it is likely there are other papers on this that RFK Jr. may also be referencing, which further support that COVID19 may impact individuals with varying polymorphisms differently. I only looked at this paper since it is what RFK Jr. cited on his Twitter account.

In my eyes, the main point to be taken, is that bioweapons development by the United States and the CCP may be the greatest existential threat currently facing humanity. I deeply appreciate his efforts to raise awareness around this.

If you don't believe our government would do this, please see page 60 bottom of paragraph 2 from this document entitled "Rebuilding America's Defenses" in which it is said "Advanced forms of biological warfare that can "target" specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."

That is perhaps the most fucked up thing I have ever read.

Here is also a link to the video where his comments about what if the Nazi's had modern day surveillance and psyops technology (used by Debbie Wasserman Shultz to attempt blocking of his public testimony to congress), is presented in its full context:

Link to paper:

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