DICK CHENEY Parody Cartoon "A New Adventure of the Quale Hunter"

1 year ago

In my lifetime I've made well over 100 short films and sketch comedy videos, including 3 cartoons. This cartoon (from 2006) is a parody of former Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting accident from February 11, 2006. In real life Dick Cheney had shot his friend Harry Whittington. Luckily Harry was not seriously injured. In a bizarre turn of events, Harry Whittington then went on TV and apologized for getting shot by Dick Cheney. In any other logical situation, it should have been Cheney apologizing to Whittington but there's nothing logical about American politics. So I thought, "wouldn't it be funny if I made a cartoon spoofing this entire situation by making Dick Cheney look like the incompetent cartoon hunter Elmer Fudd?"

I figured not many people knew who Whittington was, so I decided the cartoon would be funnier if Dick Cheney shot someone more well known. I came up with the joke that Dick Cheney would accidentally shoot former Vice President Dan Quayle while attempting to hunt Quail (a bird). Seeing as how Elmer Dick Cheney Fudd was such an incompetent hunter, I figured that would be a funny joke. However, in typical Charles Dewandeler fashion, I accidentally misspelled both Dan Quayle and Quail and titled my cartoon with the fictional spelling of QUALE in the title "A New Adventure of the Quale Hunter."

To further complicate the cartoon, I thought it would be even funnier if it was hosted by famous TV personally Steve Irwin (aka The Crocodile Hunter) and dedicate the cartoon to him because he had passed away on Sept. 4, 2006.

The final cartoon is about 1 minute 30 seconds and took countless hours to make. I did all the voices myself. I drew all the drawings myself. Then I scanned the drawings into the computer and colored them in a program called Microsoft Paint. Then I edited everything together in Avid one frame at a time. In 2006, I was still editing standard definition 640x480 so the quality by today's HD standards does NOT look very good. However, in 2006 this still looked like similar quality to everything else on YouTube.

I'm re-sharing this now as a throwback, as most people haven't seen this cartoon in 17 years and I think a lot of people could still get a good laugh out of it.

"A New Adventure of the Quale Hunter"
A cartoon by Charles Dewandeler
Copyright 2006

#DickCheney #Cartoon #Parody

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