Lukashenko tells Putin fight solidified Wagner warriors 'need to go west' and push across the

1 year ago

Lukashenko tells Putin fight solidified Wagner warriors 'need to go west' and push across the NATO boundary to go after Poland

The Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko showed up in St Petersburg on Saturday night to hold converses with Vladimir Putin on "security issues."

Lukashenko's press administration announced that they will be conversation "security issues, the global plan,

monetary cooperation, the execution of associated programs, joint resistance to sanctions strain, and that's only the tip of the iceberg."

During the gathering Lukashenko let Putin know that the fight solidified Wagner soldiers of fortune "need to go West."

Lukashenko said that the Wagnerites are "worrying him" since they are demanding that they need to "assault" Poland which is an individual from NATO.

Lukashenko told Putin, "The Wagner soldiers of fortune have begun to worry us - they need to go toward the West, saying: '

How about we go on a trip to Warsaw and Rzeszów!""

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The gathering is supposed to go on until essentially Monday and the Russian

pioneer let the Belarusian President know that Ukraine's counteroffensive "has fizzled,"

to which Lukashenko said, "there is no counteroffensive."

Lukashenko showed Putin a guide of where Clean soldiers are based

on the boundaries and cautioned that one of Poland's detachment's isn't a long way from Brest and Grodno,

which are locales inside Belarus.

Lukashenko told Putin, "Clean soldiers have moved their detachments to the boundaries of the Association State

- presently one of them is found 40 kilometers from Brest, and the other is around 100 kilometers from Grodno."

Over the course of the last week Poland has been diverting their soldiers and on Friday

Lukashenko told Putin, "Clean soldiers have moved their detachments to the boundaries of the Association State

- presently one of them is found 40 kilometers from Brest, and the other is around 100 kilometers from Grodno."

Over the course of the last week Poland has been diverting their soldiers and on Friday

officers were shipped off the eastern front as Wagner warriors are preparing Belarusian powers which is "without a doubt an incitement."

The top of Poland's security advisory group, Zbigniew Hoffmann,

told state run media that the guard serve has moved troops toward the eastern front after they have broke down every single "conceivable threat."

Putin sent an admonition shot to Warsaw with respect to their activities of developing soldiers on the Clean Belarus line,

the Kremlin cautioned that any animosity the is seen against Minsk will be met "with all means available to us."

The Kremlin has said that Poland's transition to reinforce their protections on the boundary as "forceful"

furthermore, the representative Dmitry Peskov said the move is a "reason to worry."

Peskov told columnists, "obviously it is a reason to worry. The forcefulness of Poland is a reality.

Such an unfriendly demeanor towards Belarus and the Russian League requires uplifted consideration [from our side]."

Clean Protection Priest Mariusz Blaszczak said on Thursday he has requested troops from the country's west to Biala Podlaska,

to move around 45 kilometers west from Brest, and in Kolno, further north.

Blaszczak said on state Radio 1, "We should remember that bringing a couple thousand of Wagner's powers into Belarus represents a danger to our country,

thus my choice to move a tactical units from Poland's west to Poland's east.

"Their errand it is to prepare and to discourage an assailant, it is to show Russia that Poland's boundary ought not be crossed,

that it wouldn't pay off to go after Poland."

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