🔥 Alex Jones Show - Dr. Rima Laibow Exposes the Next Phase Of the Global Depopulation Plan

1 year ago

This video reveals the background on the evolution of the eugenicist conspiracy and the integration of child sex into the UN doctrines being rolled out globally under the guise of tolerance of LBGTQ++ (and a new “S” for Satan Worship). The last hour deals with UN advocacy of human rights extending to sex for children (under 18) and adolescents (11-19 year olds). The interpretation by Dr. Laibow is that the UN considers children capable of giving consent to sex from a very early age (5) and are even encouraged to have unprotected sex even if they are HIV positive, amongst many other “things”.
👉 Here is the UN paper on child sexuality - published in March 2023. "A Compendium on Comprehensive Sexuality Education" PDF: https://tinyurl.com/23swrkp4
👉 Dr. Rima's Website: https://preventgenocide2030.org
Some background on Dr Laibow:: http://www.truthwiki.org/dr-_rima_laibow
Video source: The Alex Jones Show on Rumble
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