'Sandy Hook Hoax Archive - Woman on the Gurney' - 2012

1 year ago

"There are many video segments available now demonstrating how various "news" scenes of the Sandy Hook Shooting were faked or staged. This is one of them. Relevant notes for this video -- Linda Eckert comments: It is not clear to me who is responsible for taking this video, but I do think it is relative and should be investigated. We deserve some answers and No one stepping up to take responsibility for anything... Linda Eckert I saw a post from a Newtown resident who went out for coffee on this morning before the "Action" started and he said he thought it was very curious at the time that there were a bunch of Silver with gray trim official vehicles packed around that firehouse. We the Human People can count on one thing only from Main Stream Media... Pure Propaganda (PP) peppered with downright lies and deceit. Think even now all those who still believe the official 9/11 story are starting to "WISE UP"! in reply to thesingstarr225 Linda Eckert I did not even really notice this guy ducking the first few times I watched this video, going back to the beginning, appears to be a staged scene waiting for their "part" before the director says "ACTION"! And when I viewed this video it always has a glitch around .38 and I had to go back and look several times before I saw the sequence in tact. Was this Sandy Hook or was this the other "drill" going on at the Catholic school several miles away? Seems like this whole fiasco was "Staged" in reply to bob barker UNIDEN2211 I think there is other news video of the EMS pushing the patient from the school parking lot. In this piece of video they put her in the ambulance but the truck is blocked in and the aerial video shows that the truck never leaves the parking lot. There is a lot of video shot from the news helicopters that show the confusion around the fire house and a lot of it looks like that the whole show is staged. I have seen observers and people just walking back and forth, suspiciously, & not many kids. since never. ems personel can't take photos/videos at scenes in reply to Megan LovesUall Megan LovesUall Megan LovesUall The medic wheeling her has a big ass camera. Since when does EMS take cameras to emergencies? reader24 also the woman and the the medics are laughing. =================================== Sourcery of Sandy Hook"

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