body painting day 2 minute segments BODY PAINT 6337054 340236

1 year ago

speaking in Union Square body painting event.
This event was protected as artwork by New York City and it allowed for the presentation of humans in our most basic form to be painted by breathable paint. This stands as a testimony to Almighty God the creator of all things living, as a testament to Adam and Eve and how we were originally made to live in the garden of Eden. This is truth of how God sees us always, even as we do our best to hide our true form from each other due to fear of rejection, ridicule or embarrassment. Another note, it takes a brave soul to cast off the outer constraints of what stifles us in fear and that which hides us, to allow ourselves to be painted by strangers in front of other strangers. This was a lesson in trust and confidence. They, The brave humans, who stood unmasked showed the world that they, like us, are all the same. The environment and temperature was that of respect positivity and friendliness. That was the first official painting session, I had ever seen in person. Andy Golub brings quality artwork and an environment of respect. It's not just people standing naked alone, but its actually living canvasses and people standing together, who are designed by God with a temporary design, from another artist.
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