Boss Fight Studios Epic HACKS Wave 1 Skeletons

1 year ago

#mythiclegions #fourhorsemenstudios #vitruvianHACKS #BossFightStudios #EpicHACKS #onetwethscale #skeletons #actionfigures

0:00 - Intro
1:18 - Packaging
3:54 - Unboxed
4:35 - Gladiator Skeleton
7:01 - Articulation
16:31 - Barbarian Skeleton
22:31 - Pirate Skeleton
29:10 - Grim Spectre Skeleton
39:31 - Size Comparison and Final Thoughts
41:38 - Turntable
42:03 - Social Plugs and Credits

Follow me on:
Xbox Live: Slavinatorski
PSN: Slavinatorski
Instagram: Slavinatorski
Twitter: @Slavinatorski
Facebook: Slavinatorski

I started this YouTube channel to originally show some firearms I had purchased and experiment with making a YouTube channel. I have since moved to doing actual tabletop reviews of firearms to help people out that are looking into new firearms to purchase. The channel has since expanded to include Video game streams that I thought might be entertaining and funny to watch.
The channel continues with this format today and is also used as a way to experiment different digital media and video editing ideas for my current job and to document my journey as a digital media designer and firearms enthusiast.
The goal is to help viewers learn more about firearms, help viewers in their decisions in what to buy, and to learn from my viewers as well.

For those asking how to pronounce my handle it is (Slav-in-a-tor-ski).
Proud member and supporter of the GOA (Gun Owners of America).

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