Pepe the “frog” is the Revelation 16 demon 

1 year ago

Revelation 16:12-14

“12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
14 For they are the spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them for the battle of that great Day of God Almighty.”
21st Century King James Version

Pepe the frog and the movement surrounding this demonic symbol Is a representation of something, that’s very unclean, very demonic, and very evil.

Whether you understand how or why right now or not, it directly ties back to the antichrist, and his world system itself, to the false prophet and the antichrist, false prophet globalist religion, And to the demonic power of the devil, that will be from the dragon, during the tribulation.

It is NOT conservatism, it only claims to be. Remember that the reaction to communism is fascism, and that the antichrist is going to be a fascist. Fascism is alt left whereas communism is primary left. They are both left.  Therefore, it may be highly likely that the antichrist will be eight pseudo Maga Or pseudo conservative, who will rise to world power with great fame, and being loved by everyone, as a reaction to woke liberal communism. He will promote a very cultured and civilized Luciferian, and satanic society, in reaction to the insane and barbaric demonic society of the communist woke left. It’s two sides of the same coin in both rejected Jesus Christ, and true patriotism and freedom. One claims to represent freedom, but really doesn’t, and the other one rejects freedom openly.

Pepe and the movement around it NOT right wing, it only claims to be. It’s not patriotic American, even though some very unwise and careless people who are patriotic may try to use the symbol, and end up, sabotaging themselves by doing it.

Let me be clear: if you are a true American patriot and a conservative/Maga, then you should NOT Be using the symbol, you’re only hurting yourself spiritually and you’re hurting the Maga movement politically because this symbol represents something that is very very very different from Maga.

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