Midwives get loud" - Serious damage after Corona vaccination

1 year ago

In various countries: Israel, the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Austria, for example, Corona vaccination for pregnant women and nursing mothers has been in full swing for some time. Again and again, the responsible authorities claim that Corona vaccination with mRNA vaccines is completely safe for mother and child.
On January 4, 2022, 217 Austrian midwives spoke out against this. In an alarming letter to the Aus-trian Board of Midwives (ÖHG), to political decision makers and the media, they report on the intol-erable abuses in the handling of Covid-19 treatments for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
They observe with great concern that in the women entrusted to them, immediatly after Covid 19 vac-cinations, sometimes the most severe complications such as premature births and miscarriages, preg-nancy poisoning, hemorrhages or growth retardation occur, which are often not followed up on. The midwives call for a paradigm shift in how suspected vaccine adverse events are handled.
In their letter, they also wrote the following:
(quote) "Both the thalidomide and Duogynon scandals (=deformities in unborn children caused by a pregnancy test), should have taught us how important it is to use medicines carefully during pregnan-cy. We cannot understand at all why Covid-19 vaccinated pregnant and breastfeeding women are not completely recorded. We demand a systematic monitoring of the health status of mother and child over the next years to exclude that this is not permanently impaired or damaged by the novel mRNA vaccine!"
The midwives received support for their appeal from the spokesperson of the "Plattform Leben Vor-arlberg", Natalie Bayer-Metzler. In her work in pregnancy conflict counseling, she too reports an un-precedented number of miscarriages and stillbirths, as well as increasingly severe deformities in un-born babies.
Vaccinations during breastfeeding are also increasingly causing abnormalities: Babies turn their heads away, no longer want to drink, they no longer sleep through the night, overstretch their heads and suffer from massive restlessness.
Natalie Bayer-Metzler's urgent appeal to report abnormalities during pregnancy and breastfeeding after a vaccination, is directed primarily at doctors, but also midwives, affected mothers and their rela-tives!
It is extremely worrying that women who are under special protection during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are exposed to a vaccination that has hardly been researched. For this reason alone, it should be of highest interest for the responsible authorities and politicians to seize all suspicious cas-es of inoculation side effects, in order to then purposefully examine them scientifically and medically. However, the outcry of the midwives proves that this obviously does not happen. That is why it is important that you, as the people affected, take responsibility and no longer remain silent. Report all anomalies in connection with the Corona vaccination directly to the responsible authorities. For Aus-tria this is the Austrian Federal Office for Safety in Health Care. In Germany it is the Paul Ehrlich Institute. In Austria, vaccine injuries can also be submitted to the Extra-Parliamentary Investigation Committee - a reporting portal set up by lawyers for vaccine victims. Only if all these side effects are brought to the awareness of the public, a rethinking in politics can be brought about, and this irrespon-sible vaccination practice can be stopped!

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