Protests fueled by Chinese people’s anger over real estate developers' delaying property deliveries

1 year ago

7/23/2023 Recently, protests have erupted across Communist China as people express their anger over real estate developers' delaying property deliveries. With an increasing number of unfinished real estate construction projects, what Miles Guo has been warning about, "the imminent collapse of the banking system and real estate market," is being confirmed.
#CCP #realestate #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/23/2023 最近中共国多地民众抗议房地产开发商延期交付。随着烂尾楼盘越来越多,郭文贵先生所说的“房倒银塌”正在被一一验证!
#中共 #房地产 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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