Flooding has inundated various townships and villages in Fuyang district of Hangzhou city, China

1 year ago

7/22/2023 Flooding has inundated various townships and villages in Fuyang district of Hangzhou city, China. How many lives of ordinary Chinese people were taken away by the flood? How many Chinese people’s properties were damaged by the flood? Did the CCP deliberately cause the flood disaster by releasing the water from the dam(s) before the storm?
#flood #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/22/2023 浙江杭州市富阳区多个乡镇被淹,有多少老百姓被洪水冲走?有多少老百姓的财产受到损失?这场洪灾是中共有意在暴雨期间开闸泄洪所导致的吗?
#洪水 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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